
I don’t know if this is helpful for you or not, and I certainly do not want to imply that it is up to you to educate anyone, because fuck that. Do what you need (or not!) to be safe and well. But I do think it is possible to educate a partner who doesn’t quite get it about full and enthusiastic consent. I’m not

Apropos of nothing, I used to call those “sweet gumballs.” Is that just a my-family thing?

Just one episode so far because I’m trying to be disciplined for school, but SO GOOD. And the end of the first episode just punched me in the stomach.

This isn’t about anyone in particular, but I was quite partial to Mary Prankster’s “The World is Full of Bastards” in my youth.

I’m not saying this to be a sanctimonious jerk, but I’m feeling in the light of this whole shitty violent semester and last weekend in particular that maybe we need to move beyond self-care and practice the care of others. No matter how I look at it, it seems like the root of the problem (and what makes people commit

I agree with you, but the problem is that people who do want to acknowledge this tend to say, “Ok, step two, let’s get rid of all mosques in the US or ban the veil in France.” Like, not allowing those 99.99 percent of people to pray or show their adherence to their religious values in liberal societies is gross and

I’m so sorry about this, and hope you and yours stay safe. You’re right, that much of the mainstream western media has been focusing mainly on France, because what happened there was terrible and deadly and shocking, but what happened in Beirut was also shocking and terrible and deadly.

I have the sideburns and neck hairs and baby hairs too! I used to be realllll embarrassed about the sideburns. I...shaved them off once. Worst idea EVER.

Cried in yoga because I cannot master the damned shoulder stand. So embarrassing. I’m a grown woman.

D- until you brought Mariah Carey into it and bumped yourself up to a D+

My husband’s not the problem, it’s the cats! He LIKES having a cat on his legs or feet. I, on the other hand, cannot sleep if there’s a small furry beast on my hip or ankle or feet or simply just taking up all my leg room so I can’t stretch out my legs. And of course, it’s me they sleep on, because cats are bastards.

THANK you.

Not the point.

Some MRA or another will probably jump in three months from now to tell you the male equivalent of this is like, having to be buff, or something, but I agree that it’s not the same. Not to mention we already ARE expected to spend many hours at the gym to look good, so false equivalency in advance, mister!

I have been wearing my hair curly for the past several years since going back to school but now that I’m about to (attempt to) transition into a more professional ambiance, I’m wracking my brain trying to decide what to do with my hair to be seen as professional. Should I get a curly bob, or is that seen as too


I keep thinking of a powerful comment I read (here?) recently where someone said she spent her whole relationship training her partner not to rape her.

Ah, but see, that’s where the systemic oppression comes in. Some men are rapists, and some men are not, but many men who are not rapists also don’t actively oppose rape culture around them. We are conditioned to talk about rapists as an aberration, but in reality sexual assault is born of the same sort of general

God, at least spend the money on drugs or something

The Truth is that no one is entitled to sex or a relationship, but for some reason women accept this and many men do not. And the tragic end result of this toxic cultural idea that every man deserves women and that women should give it up regardless of whether they actually like the guy is men going on mass murder