
Ewww :(

I also like going down on people! You know what I don’t like? Having my head forced down by someone’s hands, or having someone try and push my head to take them into my throat. That feels like porn blow job to me. And hey, there may be someone out there who enjoys a man taking his penis out of her butt and sticking it

I don’t know, when I go down on my husband I don’t moan loudly around his penis and keep stopping to look significantly at the camera. So.

Well, if you’re going to get technical, yes they are congressmen, since “congress” encompasses both parts of a bicameral legislature. What they are not is senators.

I totally get you on the cleavage, but I think that the middle jacket was the best choice. A+

Ha! That is 95% why I didn’t change mine! The other 5% was because I just really like my name.

My sister took her husband’s name and I respect her choice and she respects mine and somehow, we still know we’re related! The whole name thing is so silly and unnecessarily judgy, honestly.

Literally the easiest thing about getting married was keeping my name because it required no work at all, and once I realized people were judging me for everything ANYWAY down to the table arrangements, I was far less likely to care about defending my choices. People make faces when they’re traditionally minded but

No! No! There’s only room on the bottom of the sea for California, thanks very much. Wisconsinites would be like, “It’s nice and warm down here!” and they’d always be asking for dairy products.

Hey guess what, everyone making moral judgements about the lazy, undeserving poor? I made the decision once, at the end of the week, when I was lacking in funds to the point where I’d put gas in my tank instead of eating because I needed to get to work, to buy a pack of cigarettes instead of food. Fuck you, I’m not

So many people who think this have never really been poor, or were “grad school poor” which is so much fucking worse in a way because now they are filled to the brim with smug knowledge because they were THERE, man. They were poor once, too!

You know what? Fuck this whole idea of the virtuous and moral poor. What are you, a 19th century Progressive? Shall we all read Maggie, A Girl of the Streets together now and discuss it at our Temperance meetings? Poor ethnics, always drinking. If only they’d go to our free Bible study classes or learn a trade.

Oh yes. I’ve given up on the dishwasher, but to have a washer and dryer IN MY HOME would be an unimaginable luxury. And I’m not even poor anymore! Because I have a supportive partner I was able to go back to school and now I’m “grad school poor,” which is to say, I can get by only working part-time and I know that

Being able to go to school, especially not having to also work full-time while being in school, is an unimaginable luxury for some folks. Please think about that a little bit. There’s also this issue of temporary poverty, wherein you knew that once you were done, your situation would improve.

Thank you, actually, because your comment is an absolutely perfect example of how it is less expensive to be rich or, this being America, I bet you consider yourselves middle-class.

Yeah, when I lived in Northern Liberties 10 years ago we could go to the corner store and buy apples for I think $1 apiece.

Thank you for bringing up medical bills. I had a coworker who was out of work for months (we were restaurant workers, so needed to be on our feet) because she was biking to work and got hit by a car.

Many areas just do not have the public transportation infrastructure, period. Especially the rural South and many parts of the country that were built around highways and the automobile. Is it baloney how dependent we are on cars? YES. Is it always possible to live a reasonable distance from work? Absolutely not.

Much of this is my reaction, too. I mean, mass shootings are terrible but other gun-related deaths are not murder but an “incident.” And we seem to want to push past them, to make them ok.