Both of these need far more stars.
Both of these need far more stars.
I actually think of it as linguistic blackface. Related to the “dis gon be good” gifs that pop up in comment sections regularly. Bear in mind that blackface never accurately portrayed the groups it was attempting to lampoon.
It is really no surprise that Garfield would be a little weird around Buchanan seeing as poor Garfield never got to finish his term. Of course, I wouldn’t say Buchanan’s presidency was all that great either.
I know I KNOW that someone is going to yell at me for this, but I dip my hairbrush in water and gently brush water through it on mornings when I don’t want to wash my hair. Been doing it for 10+ years. It takes less than five minutes. But that is just me.
This I understand. People who used to steal my, like, Bic pens or whatever? I DON’T GET IT.
Yeah, thanks for putting into words what was bothering me about this whole story.
Finally! A reasonable solution to this terrible problem.
Oh FUCK her.
Yeah. Not to mention that it could very well turn out that this person does have sexual interest in men at some point, but the letter writer doesn’t necessarily get to be that guy. I really think he needs to back off, give both of them some space, and try dating women who show sexual interest in him.
Hello. I’m 32 and bisexual. Nice to meet you. I’ve never cheated on a partner, but was cheated on twice by straight men. For me, when I was dating around and not in a committed relationship, bisexual just meant that the gender of my next date was not a given. It also meant that I faced a lot of hate from people who…
Thanks for this.
As a ghost, though...
I tend to tip generously, having worked in food service for so long, but I generally try to pay attention to things like: how much work did my party cause the server (I refuse to eat with assholes but have several clueless friends/acquaintances who do things like spend a lot of time asking the server whether they like…
Just want to add, that “put your clutter out on the sidewalk” is not an acceptable way to get rid of clutter. If you are getting rid of your old TV, find an e-waste recycling spot. If you are getting rid of books and clothes, find a Goodwill or another drop-off spot. For furniture, fine to put it out and post on free…
Ok, this one made me laugh out loud. “Are you sure?”
But then we’ll have to admit that Kristen Stewart is dating a woman??!!
OK, so what do you do for people who just never stop talking? I mean, there’s no chance for you to be interrupted because they just speak over you if you want to interject something? I have two of these in my life right now—one a colleague, one a friend. Nice guys but I really just don’t feel like hour long lectures…
WTF is with all the grown men threatening teenagers with knives???
Ok, but how are we paying for it? Are you going to require us to all sell parts of our bodies? That would fit in very well with the “ish” part.