
Aww thanks. I was very impressed with your explanation of how economics actually WORK.

Yes, this exactly! Also, I think that fast food workers should be making more purely based on the fact that they have to deal with so much shit from entitled, hungry customers. An asshole tax, if you will.

And every single person gets comprehensive, FREE healthcare in which mental health services are automatically included. Also all so-called female healthcare, because women are people too.

Thank you so much for this. There’s another person upthread arguing that raising the minimum wage means more people will want those jobs (meaning therefore we shouldn’t do it?), and it makes no historical sense to me. No one ever seems to say, “huh, why am I fighting over this tiny sliver of pie instead of worrying

Ok, but people flood the market looking for jobs due to a lot of different factors having nothing to do with the minimum wage, like the inflationary cost of living, the boom-and-bust cycle of the markets, and various other macro forces. I really don’t think at the end of the day, that “but more people will want crappy

Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour will help EVERYBODY, including you!

And if we DO work in fast food, we’re lazy, so there’s no winning, really.

YUP. Basically from day 1, the American economy depended on some people being at the bottom and some people being at the top, and a tiny, tiny amount of mobility but only for a small group of folks. There will always be jobs at the bottom and people working them.

You know what else? All those jackasses yelling about how young people are stupid for going to college and racking up education debt when they don’t even need/want the degree don’t seem to realize that if non-degreed jobs paid an actual living wage, college would have a chance of returning to something that people go

I am not and was never a sex worker, but I know that feeling, because I was a teenager who had sex and was open about it with her friends. I had one friend who would wait till we were in a group (usually with men whom I had not previously met) and then say things like, “Oooh, OliviaPJones has sex in parking lots all

So my wedding was still very expensive for us, but the best thing ever was choosing a venue (the library!) and a caterer that was used to working with what he called “shoe-string budgets.” I don’t know if this will help anyone else, but if you tell people up front that you literally just do not have the money, you

I tried to get married in my parents’ backyard until they started freaking out about all the special housecleaning and landscaping and kitchen re-doing and furniture upgrading and it started to get more and more costly and stressful (we were footing the bill for all of this, of course) so I went with a venue. IMO,

LOL because they were probably like, “This is the best skim milk I’ve ever had” because fat is delicious.

School started @ 7:25 but I had to leave before 7 to catch the bus. I guess you get used to it, but it was kinda terrible.

Thank you! I grew up wanting lunchables because they seemed extremely fancy and my parents always said they were too expensive. I mean, what’s cheaper than bologna sandwiches or PB & J? Not much.

But how DID it get there? Was it the muffin? WAS IT?

Is there any sort of finances or budgeting workshop or class that you could take together?

I think that the only way my heart can possibly handle this theoretical question over what would happen to me if he wasn’t there is to plan in case he’s gone on a long trip that he absolutely will come back from. Like a month or something. Or what would happen if he was unemployed.

The first time I ever went to a ska show (I KNOW, I’m SORRY, I was FOURTEEN, GEEZ), my Dad showed up hours beforehand to grill the owner on whether he would ever DARE allow underage kids to drink. He also must have shown said owner my photo, since I got an earful about my awful Dad when I arrived, oblivious, with my

I loved this video. I mean, BEARS. That said, the mom behind the camera was pretty cool! She was mostly worried about the mother bear electrocuting herself and eating chlorine.