
Not to get all super serious on you or anything, but maybe it’s not out of the question for you to sit him down and be like, “Look, I am not going to change my name. I love you very much. I want to marry you. I just don’t want to change my name.” And then hold firm. At the end of the day, a lot of marriage is about


Fun side effect of keeping your last name for me has been the number of people who, having met me first, assume his name is HisFirstName MyLastName. I love it when this happens.

That sounds like a super awesome wedding! I think that the problem is that wedding plans turn into this weird, passive aggressive contest, where everyone wants to be the moral authority and tell everyone else they SUCK because their wedding was 1)too chintzy 2)too extravagant 3)a thing that existed, or whatever, and

Oh god, the “it’s YOUR day,” folks were the most annoying of all, especially since they thought they were helping!

Historian PSA: people who keep the same name throughout their lives are easier to track down when you’re researching them. That’s why I held onto mine (also laziness).

Can you afford not to share a computer? Maybe not having the option to check his browser at all will help you?

Haha the comments on this article. “HOW DARE YOU MADAM HOW DARE YOU.”

Good question! When I called my mother to tell her I was engaged, the first thing out of her mouth was, “I don’t have time to be your wedding planner, you know.” I was fine with this since I’ve always been an independent person and she’s actually rather high-maintenance and demanding and so I was happy to be free to

ARGH. “I thought you were raised better,” to YOU, because your husband didn’t do his tiny share of the thank you cards, makes me want to punch someone.

Oh god, yes. I’m so happy that I finally got it through my husband’s head that if we fail to do our share of social obligations, people will look to me about it and not to him about it. It’s so annoying that society works this way. “Haven’t heard from your husband about X event on Saturday, do you know if he can make


Oh my god, I think she has cheek tumors

Welllll... not projecting, so let’s get the psychoanalysis out of the way. He’s welcome to talk to ME, and I’ll shut that shit down because I’m polite but I didn’t pay $700 to be stuck talking to strangers, which is my personal nightmare as an introvert. Some women are less likely to be ok with saying no, though, even

Do you see how it’s about relieving your boredom vs. inconveniencing another human who maybe was really looking forward to having time to herself? Think about that. It’s not her job to entertain you.

...and why did white people in the 70’s wear this type of hairstyle?

How about customers who slap your back or butt to get your attention? Good times.

YUP. Exactly. “What’s the best wine?” “Well, do you prefer red or white? What price range are you looking for? Do you like dry wines?”

I actually used to hate it when people would ask me “what’s good.” You know what I like to eat? Spicy things. You know what 90% of my customers liked to eat? Baked chicken. “What’s good” is so subjective, and there’s a lot of leeway for people getting mad at you because you recommended something and it wasn’t to their

I highly recommend you watch the whole series (probably 1/2 hour in total)! Vag Magazine was hilarious good times!