
Yep that’s true about the Netherlands. Also, what no one really talks about the Netherlands, is that it is second place in the EU for cyclist deaths.  Only behind Ireland.

Cops dont give a shit about cyclists or pedestrians example infinity. 

Dharna Noor does nothing but write horrible takes, shocked to see the byline in this one...

I’m shadow banned there and have no idea why lol

Dharna Noor does nothing but write horrible takes, shocked to see the byline in this one...

This is just a dumb take. Private jets only emit what amounts to a rounding error’s worth or greenhouse gasses each year. Like less than .1%. Sure, it’s a BIG NUMBER, but the total is actually a MUCH BIGGER NUMBER. 

Considering that total global greenhouse gas emissions* are 50 BILLION tons, this is less than .1%. That’s damn near a rounding error.

you’re not doing enough !!
1. No more private homes - move people into communal living
2. No more private cars - public transport only
3. No more farm equipment/trucks etc - all “arts majors” are now farm labor !
4. No more shipping of goods. You wear what you make and you eat what you raised/farmed/hunted
5. No more

I swear BMW is making their electric cars look as hideous as possible so that people continue buying the ICE versions until they have their EV supply chain ramped up. Why would you make something look like that otherwise?

Instead of wasting money on a bullet train Californian’s should have been adding rail to these ports and developing an inland hub/port where land is cheap and its been obvious for decades

This new generation is a bunch of pansies. Back in my day, we didn’t complain when hair driers set our hair on fire. 

The world has gone into a level 10 S**TSHOW with the pandemic. It won’t stop until the entire world enters a totalitarian state and everyone says on house arrest for 3 months straight. Anyone caught outside should be promptly executed.

All kidding aside, the covid shots don’t seem to be working anymore. 60% of the

If my memory serves, near the beginning of the pandemic, several car manufacturers cancelled major chip orders due to the shutdowns. The chip manufacturer then committed to orders from other industries. Then car sales picked up, and even exceeded previous levels, so the car manufacturers tried to place orders, only to

There are three technical reasons, at least. One is that packaging methods can change with die size. A second, related issue is that chip temperatures can run hotter (or sometimes cooler) when moving/shrinking circuit traces and components. And a third is that parts of the circuit can interfere with other parts once

I’m not in the automotive industry so this is somewhat speculation, but another reason not to miniaturize is simple robustness.

the root cause of the issue though was that the car companies were too quick to cancel large orders of chips at the start of the pandemic for fear of looking bad to wall street by carrying too much inventory. when they did that, the companies who had been nursing along the old fabs to build those chips said “finally!”

Great article, more in depth stuff like this please.

...the locomotive first served on the Reading Railroad out of Pennsylvania before getting shipped off to Arizona.

Nah. Kit cars don’t count.

Virtually indistinguishable from a Mercedes Benz . . .