
And if you look at anti-suffrage propaganda of the time, it is exactly the same shit used to smear feminists today. Women who wanted to vote were old and unfuckable, totally unsuitable as dick cozies and therefore worthless.

I don’t know his full stance on sexual misconduct, but what he’s saying makes sense. The democrats calling for trump to resign are just blowing empty, hot air and posturing for no one.

Most men, and a lot of women, are only open to believing the victim so long as the accused isn’t in their tribe. This has always been the case.

I did think it was interesting to show parental controls blocking things in real life, only it failed to do a good job carrying that thread through to the end.

I see shows doing this *all the time* and it is ridiculous. Morning after pills prevent pregnancy, that is their entire function and they only work shortly after intercourse. If you are already pregnant they won’t do shit.  

I think the premise about the downsides of technology was a good one when the show began - but it feels forced by the fourth season. Every episode needs some tie-in warning about non-existent technology; in episodes like ‘Arkangel’ the tech is ridiculous, and in ‘crocodile’ what could have been an interesting

I used to think ghosting was the worst. Until I had a guy go through a list of all the personality traits he didn’t like about me, in a 35 minute car ride, on the freeway.

I had the most awesome, clever username for my long-defunct OKC account. When I signed-up for Instagram I tried to use it - but found that it had been taken by a guy I went out with twice. He has a reasonable-for-a-no-one following so now I can’t use it for anything or even bitch about it by name lest I forever be

I guess the pr firms handling sexual assault allegations are now advising clients to do a pre-emptive “I’m sorry I have to apologize - but it wasn’t that bad from what I remember” BEFORE the accusations come out. Truly a flip of the script and “so brave.”

The issue that democrats need to understand though - if they changed their platform and became the party of 100% prohibition no abortions for anyone - the republican purse strings would simply move the goalpost.

They’re adults so free to do whatever they want, but I can’t stand it when straight people fetishize gay couples. Especially when gay couples show obvious red flags - for some reason heteros love it even more.

Having children in your 50s is fucked up and selfish.

Find ONE candidate, one single, solitary candidate, Dems won’t stab themselves in the foot trying to pick apart.

I knew two people who qualified for mail-in ballots in swing states but refused to vote because Clinton was “against” single-payer. I blame them more than trump voters.

Yea, he’s doing the belligerent democrat “I’ll vote for the candidate whose beliefs are directly in line with mine and will make my life considerably better than his/her opponent - but I’m going to bitch and moan about it.”

He said they’re pretty unimpressed with Jones because basically because the only thing he talks about is the KKK prosecution and not any real issues that they actually have to deal with.

Not true. Trump’s ‘likability’ was touted as an asset throughout the campaign.

During every debate Clinton was poised and answered questions related to her policy while trump barked at the moon and wandered around like a dementia patient at sunset.

I’ve had the same conversations with liberals I know who are now falling over themselves to promote their NYT subscriptions simply because trump doesn’t like the paper.

Even the accusers who are anonymous spoke to reporters and had their claims verified, they just didn’t want their names published. Yet franken apologists want to pretend their accusations are on the level of a random reddit comment.