I don’t know how anyone could have gone through the 2016 election cycle without learning that men on the left will gladly turn into misogynistic assholes if a woman dare besmirch a fellow bro
I don’t know how anyone could have gone through the 2016 election cycle without learning that men on the left will gladly turn into misogynistic assholes if a woman dare besmirch a fellow bro
‘Eat it’s own’?
Democrats can’t stand up to widely unpopular republican policies or defend liberal causes with broad appeal- they might offend an independent.
Republicans don’t care about traversing the road of “it’s wrong for grown men to sexually accost teenagers”
Yea, enough with this she said it, she said it, he bragged about it, she said it, witch hunt nonsense. I believe the guy who was in that one movie I liked, not some bitch I never heard of!
Fuck yes
You know the whole “calling gay men pedophiles is a smokescreen for homophobia” defense doesn’t work when you’re discussing an actual gay pedophile, right?
Whenever someone gets dropped as fast as Spacey did - it’s because everyone already knew and the perp is an asshole no one enjoyed working with anyway. It’s the same reason Lauer was dropped like a hot sack of shit.
This movie was playing in the background when I lost my virginity.Sort of wish I had planned it out a little bit better.
And I’m still in the greys?
The argument over and over again from trump supporters was that he would be fair about taxes because he “doesn’t need more money.”
Except no sane person on the face of the earth believes it wasn’t trump on the tape. trump says it was him. trump has said many times and made excuses for what he said on the tape. It’s like bringing someone on to dispute the flat earth theory.
he is so fucking gross
This is all true, but the fact is tillerson is not being replaced due to incompetence. He got the boot because trump personally didn’t like him anymore.
If you grope enough random women without consent eventually you’ll honk the tit of one with shitty political beliefs
State’s have different policies about filling senate vacancies - I’m for whatever replaces him with a progressive who doesn’t think it’s knee-slappin’ hilarious to grab a woman’s ass without consent
“Go use your pitchfork to go after Trump and Moore”
“But who could replace him who could possibly be better?”
Trust no one? uhhhhh no
From the stampede of dismissive“but Trump is still President” comments it doesn’t appear liberals care all that much either, so long as it’s one of their own.