
White supremacists believe in their racial superiority because they want to. It’s in their best interests, it’s comforting, it’s the aristocracy of the mediocre.  

I don’t know if you’ve ever known racists or been a victim of racism but normalizing hatred and acting as if it’s some obscure condition that necessitates analysis does encourage extremism.

If your “worst action” is believing that hitler wasn’t such a bad guy and the holocaust is way overblown, yea fuck you, no compassion.

The “Nazis they’re just like us!” and profile of Hannity are not opinion pieces, and besides, I am firmly in the camp that differences of opinion which are grounded in reality and rational are perfectly worthy of printing.

NYT has been on a roll lately. Home-cooked Nazi sympathy, a flattering profile of Hannity, and shit like this.

I’ve seen deeper background work on episodes of catfish

Project Veritas preparing for their next big exposé 

Even if warren had claimed to be fully native american and showed up to an admissions interview wearing a construction paper headband with a feather glued to it - why the fuck would you bring it up in this circumstance?

I’d still contribute to this gofundme before the one that came across my fb feed for a girl who wanted help for medical expenses + lost wages after she broke her arm trying out for roller derby.

Yea, it’s not like the police to just do nothing when women come forward about sexual assault.

“I have seen on here people calling him a predator in the same vein as Weinstein and Moore more than once.”

Personally, I’m glad smaller acts of demeaning and unwanted behavior are getting called out. Women have been raised to deal with the social contract of ‘boys will be boys’ for far too long.

I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for a looooong time because so much hate towards her was based on the fact that she’s an average-looking woman in the public sphere - taking valuable airtime away from women bros could masturbate to. But nah, she’s trash.

I’m actually really glad he turned out to be a weirdo mashup of lurch and uncle fester shaking his fist at the chem trails in the sky. I had a huge crush on him in my early teens and now whenever I feel an infatuation with someone I have the perspective that it’s all in my head - he might turn out to be a william

The CK comments about “losing one of my favs” are what really piss me off.

“I didn’t realize I had a fetish for trans women so I had no choice but to rub my dick on them without consent”

Knowing the snl culture he was a part of if you think this is going to be the only allegation I have a tremendous bridge I would like to sell you...

Fighting over who gets to be the bigger victim isn’t the damn point. 

“But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn’t a question. It’s a predicament for them.”

Not gonna work.