The less men speak, the better the world will be
The less men speak, the better the world will be
Watching the interview with dylan farrow I was struck again by allen’s idgaf 60 minutes interview where he showed no emotion or discomfort or even outrage - but explained he could not have molested dylan because it was a bad time and “wouldn’t have made any sense”.
“There’s an unqualified narcissist with impulse control issues sitting in the white house - why not put another in the senate?
I stopped reading the huffington post after the “balloon boy” hoax years ago. The HP front page was refreshed by the minute with late- breaking news about balloon boy. A text stream of balloon boy updates, stock photos of air balloons, interviews with neighbors and experts about ballooning.
To be fair - trump airlines was yet another sterling example of our president’s bigly business acumen.
This is part of a larger issue with “educated” white people which was epitomized with nyt nazi article a while back. They simply cannot accept someone is racist unless they fit their “this is what a racist looks like” narrative. To them racists are all poor white trash living in trailers in some backwards southern…
I read those letters and it was bizarre how they all listed the exact same reasons why trump was “winning.” Like they were repeating a bullet-point list straight from hannity & friends or whatever.
Having dealt with a vistaprint order that contained a “lorem ipsum” on the cover page - I am shocked someone looked closely enough to realize there were two male names on the announcement.
...and they were surrounded by other idiots. Whereas our real-life vindictive asshole idiot is surrounded by sycophants who know better but don’t give a fuck ‘cause power and $$$$$$
Can you imagine the Armageddon Republicans would start if their candidate had won the popular vote and lost the election? If Democrats preventing white citizens from voting? If groups of liberals made congressional maps so random and imprecise they looked more like b-movie monsters than geographic locations?
I’m glad when faced with such a large social outpouring of women discussing the issues they’ve faced regarding the many shades of harassment - dudes like you can cut to the real point - feminism is making us all weak.
That’s a lot of words used to demonstrate not getting a point.
I had to step away from most internet comments and deactivate my facebook profile because I was so angry and frustrated by the constant deluge of “that’s not real rape.” Men claiming they need to read women’s minds to know if they’re into giving a blowjob. Older women saying they simply never would have been in such a…
Big deal. This is the way REAL Americans - the forgotten brothers and sisters of the heartland states, the hard-working citizens liberal’s spit on - talk when gathered around their burning crosses.
MLK’s message is now safely in the confines of social issues a great number of white people were adamantly, sometimes violently, against at the time, but now it’s a given they would have been on the right side of history. They way you act now is the way you would have acted then.
I posted elsewhere that I was in a very similar situation once and I did the thing every woman who’s never been there claims she would do - I left. The situation was still extremely damaging to the point where I didn’t go on another date for nearly three years. I still won’t go into any guy’s apartment until I’ve…
Why is it on men to ask and not women to tell?
I had a lot of guys pressure me into doing things I wasn’t comfortable with in my twenties - and in one case I had a guy pull me into his bedroom and do shit like aziz is accused of.
I’m glad there’s finally a dude willing to be the arbiter of when women can feel like a guy acted inappropriately.