
Yeah! I heard that Jimmy Olsen gets a fucking bullet in his brain in this movie! But he was such a non-character that no one actually noticed!

Those hack frauds will produce a hell of a video about this.

The difference between Zack Snyder and Paul Verhoeven is that Verhoeven said, upon release, that his movie was a satire.

The Rock is a classic of the form, an action movie that only Michael Bay could make, and somehow it works almost perfectly.

Yeah, Cavill will probably end up playing the lead on a genre TV show, like Jim Caviezel on Person of Interest.



That World's Finest compilation movie they made of a three parter was a badass Superman/Batman movie. Never topped, to this very day.

Dude. He didn't intend to kill Superman because that wouldn't have gotten him anything. He never intended to kill Superman. He intended to show him he COULD kill him, but that he didn't, and wouldn't.

Yeah, the real issue isn't with Batman. Batman is basically crazy, I can accept that he would never kill The Joker no matter how much he's provoked. I don't necessarily think that's moral, but I understand it! It fits perfectly with his character.

Yeaaaah. In the years since the 80's and 90's happened, The Joker has basically become a living monster.

Well, we have two movies worth of evidence for that now. Hard to argue against it.

I tend to agree. There's a few problems with the connective tissue of the movie, and it is a bit overstuffed (Thor just leaves the movie to go to a pool for a while and then comes back with knowledge we never see him acquire except in a deleted scene that's too long and kind of silly) but… James Spader is awesome and

The soundtrack almost justifies that movie's existence. But it never really makes use of the main theme, which is the best part, so…

If Brandon Routh had been able to (or allowed) to invest half the charm of his Ray Palmer into Clark Kent, he would be my favorite Superman.

The fun part is I can't tell if you're making a joke about the 90's or a joke about today.

Seriously. The man's been hoodwinking people into thinking he wrote the Dark Knight trilogy when he only has a really vague "story" credit on the first one and didn't touch either sequel!

The crazy thing is, if you go back and watch those Nolan movies? They have LAUGHS in them. They have a sense of humor! Nolan is first and foremost an entertainer, and he knows when the audience needs to laugh to have a contrast with all the grand operatic emotional stuff he's trying to sell.

So I was rewatching this episode, and I noticed that on the folder that the x-ray came in, it had the name of the hospital and F. CASTLE in big bold permanent marker.

You say "incredibly gory" and "hopelessly cheesy" like they aren't the same thing.