
I used to think Frank Welker did all that work because voice talent don't get paid that well, but then I heard a story from another voice actor that Welker drives a Porsche (or something similar) and has a boat. And I guess it makes sense! You gonna hire an animal handler to bring a dog in to get the right sounding

No. It really can't mean that. That's what the word is for in the construction of that sentence.

Brother, anytime you start a sentence with "No one deserves this" and then continue that sentence with the word "but," that's literally saying someone might, in fact, deserve this, for the reasons stated after the word "but."

In all fairness, I had to go back and check real quick because I thought they might be the same too. Add another character to the WHMU.

"God damn it, The Lake House?! BRIAN!!!"

I would like to call out Secret Window as being one of their best. Partially because they all have a history with it, partially because it's absolutely terrible, and partially because there's little to the movie that they have to tell a bunch of stories to even make an episode's length of material!

Brainscan's Trickster voice literally being Mark Hamill's Joker, and then them calling out they're just doing Mark Hamill's Joker, was a top ten moment for me.

"I was only lyin' about bein' a DUBBLE!"

I seriously couldn't tell if that was a bit or not. I mean, come on, dude. Food bill????

Their Keanu impressions usually get me but in that particular episode they were on fire. Probably because of Keanu's awful accent.

I was never able to get into Blame It On Outer Space when I tried it, but maybe I should go back to it. It was just a hair too deadpan for me!

God. The Saga of Goober was one of my favorite bits.

Yeah, Andrew is really good at setting the pace while leaving room for insane detours. Although some of that might be editing, who knows!


Yeah, I barely listen to the other two anymore, but I wouldn't slam the others for it. Flop House in particular has a ton of distinct personality! I just have to be in the mood for it, or else it comes off as kind of annoying. (Elliott…)

So did westerns, but that's all Hollywood made for like twenty years.

This is the only real concern I have with this movie. There are too many characters in it.

The portal fight, and the handful of really funny jokes they did with Thor and his hammer, were the best parts of The Dark World.

Year One remains the only Miller work I can regularly reread and enjoy, because there's very, very little of his politics in there regarding women, minorities, or the justice system. Plus it's sort of creative, giving Jim Gordon most of the spotlight. That's not an approach you see often, then or now!

But… which theme song?