Ol' Gil Gunderson

And then he celebrated his burn the only way he knew how. By texting his wife to see if she saw the tweet 9 times in 2 minutes, throwing a simulated 20 inning game against a convenience store wall, and pounding a gallon of whole milk. It was a good day.

I hear you, I hate it when people point a gun at me and force me to read content from a free website.

Is there a way to block all Facebook posts that use the word “pussification?”


Such an awkward name, though. “Air” “Land” er? Does it land on air? Does it land air on other stuff? I wish they would have picked something that makes more sense, like Blimpy McBlimpface.

It combines the pampering of a cruise ship with the speed of some other slightly faster ship!

I guess it’s pretty big.

Why bother? Some broad gets on there with a staticky sweater and *boom* ‘oh the humanity, waaaaaaa’!!

Sexually propositioning a woman and her mom at a stoplight?

I disagree - if she were trying to fire up the base she’d show up on Rachel Maddow or Chris Hayes, or give a speech that would be likely to get coverage on the networks. She has a lot more direct access to a lot more hardline Democrats on television, anytime she wants it - the media fucking loves her, and would air

She's not engaging Trump at all. She's attempting to rally democratic voters to show up to the polls to vote against him. She knows no one on his side is listening to her.

This + Cincy dunk = I can’t feel my face.

Here I thought the Ravens were done with wife-beaters.

Although the idea of a crucial drive being short-circuited because some flustered equipment manager couldn’t wrestle a pinnie onto a 350-pound man fast enough does sound appealing, from a purely comedic standpoint.

No it’s true. Also, BLM people drive around campuses at night with their headlights off, and if another car flashes their high beams at them they are ambushed and expelled for triggering.

How is Rabbies Formed?

Man, that was what I thought I remembered; sloppy reading on Wikipedia somehow convinced me that Rehnquist wrote for the court, though. Thanks for the reminder, and a resounding fuck you to Antonin Scalia.

Who’s going to be the commenter to use “Elizabethkinja” as a screen name?

Shout out to Jostens.