Ol' Gil Gunderson

I just want to hear Herzog say “Wrestlemania”

I think whomever wins will have a legitimate claim that it’s an upset. But no, based on their respective records, if Marquette wins it’s merely an “upset.”

I only recently learned that Gregggggg’s brother is the 7th Circuit judge

OneTab is a very, very good Chrome extension.

Intentionally underfunding the census is part of this larger project, too.

“Digby” sounds more like the name of a very good cat.

This got shared by IN State Senator Jack Sandlin:

My sense is that this fascist obsession with virility might also explain why they’re so fond of calling people “cucks” nowadays.

Oh HELL yeah, Grey Wolves represent

Literally the first rule of construction is, “Do not build on sacred Indian burial grounds.”



Everyone knows the emphasis goes on the “ing.”

T. Swiddle

Sometimes (often) this line just pops into my head, apropos of nothing.

Yeah, that would make sense, but it doesn’t seem to be the case here. There’s video of him going into a room with one victim, who had lacerations on her genitals. There are, I believe, text messages between him and the other victim where he acknowledges she was passed out.

I don’t know what the fuck the Monroe County prosecutor was thinking offering that deal.


Sab-y, I’m amazed you break rules all the time