Ol' Gil Gunderson


Nineteen-dickety-two, to be exact. (They had to say “dickety” because the Kaiser stole their twenty.)

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If Ohioans knew he was a fan of Noah’s he’d never get a vote in Cleveland

If you think that's funny, you should see Trump try and palm a basketball.

Don’t bag on a guy just because he’s a huge Joakim Noah fan.

+1 bee.

I agree with Gossage. Baseball does not need a bunch of quarterbacks running around.

Gossage pines for a simpler time when all the players tied an onion around their belt, rich people rode around in Zeppelin's while dropping coins on people, and no one recognized Missoura.

this is fucking dumb dude. everyone knows that only the Stunner is real

formal name for ‘monday in arizona’ iirc

watched the clip a few times to see if the ball rotates the opposite way

I’m surprised the Spanish announce table was still standing after a slam like that.

I didn’t even realize that Eli Manning could dunk.

As soon as she can dig it out.

Pitching inside to their own child might be the hardest thing a parent has to do.

This is the sort of Fox News I can get behind.

Gives +1, immediately ejected by Joey Crawford.

Kudos to you. It would have taken Phil Mushnick 3,000 words to make these points.