Ol' Gil Gunderson

I note that in a profoundly phallocentric environment like the Deadspin comments section, no one has the balls to be a nut-shot truther. Some things are still sacred.

History repeats, first as tragedy, then as a punch in the nuts.

I would argue that’s not particularly sneaky.

Paul: Hey Kevin, do you prefer The Durantula or KD?

Look, when you’re near Chris Paul, protect your balls. Those who ignore history are condemned to getting pounded in the nards.

LeBron James: Okay, I’ll take one more question before Mozzy, Double-T, and I head off to the boys’ clubhouse.

Got to play with my new toy today! Time to clean it!

Got to play with my new toy today!

new toy today!


I’m surprised it took so long, but it looks like the Dominos have started to fall.

It’s so when the inevitable SCOTUS decision striking down HB2 and all laws of its ilk, they can scream and cry to their constituents about “activist judges” and solidify their next 2 elections.

“I talk with my hands,” Menzl said.

Couldn’t find a Sharper Image nearby.

Bad move by Seattle trading American money for Canadian money.

When I first moved in with my now wife she insisted I stop folding frozen pizzas in half and eating them taco-style. My thought is why dirty a plate or pizza cutter/knife?

Kevin - a minor quibble, but AP Stylebook prefers “former LeBron whipping boy Mario Chalmers” on first reference.

I was going to buy a BMW, but I bought a Saab instead. So now I have a Saab story.

Cue all the imbeciles who won’t get the joke in the headline. I’ve already fallen for this shit. Put another W in the win column for the Warriors. Winning 112-95 against the Lakers still counts as a win Deadspin!

Haven’t you seen Narcos? Or Deliverance?

Ball don’t lie.

No you are wrong. It’s capitol is Bogota and it is a very dangerous place, as you can read in the article.