Armin Tamzarian

i might be biased, but in my opinion, they are the single worst band of all time, absolutely zero redeeming qualities.

Getting back into a baseball game after you’ve already exited the stadium? That’s the very definition White privilege.

I saw Slayer and Overkill at First Avenue in Minneapolis on the Reign in Blood tour. 1:00 on a Sunday afternoon because First Avenue had Dancetaria that night. It was an eye opening experiance

It’s not much different now.

“The plane banked hard left, then it straightened out and accelerated, then it banked hard left, then it straightened out and accelerated. This went on for three hours, over and over again, and even though it was very boring, I never thought anything was wrong.”

In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks spends four years on an island....alone. When he returns to civilization, his estranged wife notes “We got a football team now.”

Nashville is the spiritual home of every suburban girl who claims to be “country at heart” because she owns cowboy boots and her parents are racist.

And the best thing is this year you can do that through the fall, starting this Saturday!

I’ll spend $12 to go to a DCFC game over any game that feature the other pro sports teams in this city.

DCFC and the Guard getting exposure?

Fuck, man. I’ve never wanted to hug someone who wrote into a WYTS before, but shit.

Please rescue me from the greys. It’s cold, and the howling from the wild Stoolies is getting closer.

How hard can it be to write for barstool? I'm not sure that's a skilled position

There’s the time Jethro Tull got the Grammy award for best heavy metal performance, over, among others, Metallica and AC/DC.

Go to a boozy brunch in midtown. Find the woman who has said these two things

HELL YEAH! Gimme that sweet, “Hamilton Nolan shits on a popular health trend under the guise of current news but actually because he actively hates all fucking gyms.”
Crossfit? Fuck you, do burpees till you puke in your backyard!
Soul Cycle? More like butthole cycle! Ride your fixed gear bike up an incline hill until

Can I see your copy of swank, Armin?

This comment is the closest thing we’ve had to a Ley-bear post in forever.

Illinois Packers fans are 10x worse than Wisconsin Packers fans, for the reason that they constantly have to make sure people know they are Packers fans. So you have the loud-mouth jagoff attitude of a Chicago-area resident, mixed with the need to be noticed, and you have the makings of just a massive asshole. WI