Oleever Quinn

I said it was in my opinion. Film criticism is subjective. And if I had said, for example, Ant-Man (a film I think La La Land is about on par with in term of cinematic quality) was a deeply flawed movie no one would get upset. But La La Land somehow gets everyone up in arms.

Only Chazelle could have done it because only Chazelle would have made a movie so obsessively fetishizing Chazelle. The writing in the movie feels like I'm reading a series of college essays he wrote on the history of jazz.

It's a musical with unmemorable music, poor singing, heavy handed and unnatural dialogue, and a padded out middle act. There are serious flaws to the movie, that's not an exaggeration

Your point being? I still think it's a terrible movie.

In my humble opinion, La La Land will be the worst best picture winner since Crash. The film is simply poorly made on so many levels and hides it's serious flaws behind a brightly colored veneer. That's not even considering it's utter tone deafness when it comes to race and gender. The Oscars usually disappoint, but

I mean, I can say on a personal level that Elliott's music was absolutely game changing for me. His music provided me with a lot of comfort during the darkest periods of my life.

What has Bernie done to actually indicate that he would be a better president. He talks big, but there is no reason to believe he would accomplish any of his lofty goals. Sidenote: I also wish Warren had been our candidate.

They probably have a higher understanding of American economic policy than Bernie.

I hate Cersei even more than normal now.

I will say that When September Ends is the "Should I Stay or Should I Go" of American Idiot. Terrible song, great album

I actually love American Idiot. But then again I listen to Rock the Casbah of my own free will so my punk cr d is low to begin with.

I love your profile picture.

Elliott Smith is my hero, and I truly believe that his music saved my life… That is all.

This isn't Gods Not Dead XXX

Yeah I wasn't talking about tv critics…

This movie is proof that college students aren't the most easily offended group in the United States.

Mr. Blue Sky is just one long allegory for Satanic butt sex.

Only '90s kids will understand.

Haven't played TP since it came out, but I remember it being my all time favorite Zelda. My copy of the HD collection comes today and I am psyched as hell to experience the game again. Still can't wrap my head around people who hate Twilight Princess, or Majora's Mask.

Battletoads. If the game had unlimited continues, platforming that wasn't broken, a better 2 player mode, and removed the shitty clinger winger level, it would be perfect. Unfortunately it's virtually unplayable past a certain point. However I still love the game, and the one time I beat the turbo tunnel remains one