Oleever Quinn

So in conclusion, it doesn't matter the gender, someone will inexplicably think Inception is one of the top movies of all time.

If you utilize the middle out, tip to tip method, you can do 4 at a time.

I would be lying if I said I haven't busted out the Shwifty song many times. I think the easy targets of musical reality shows and the "Simpson's did it" cult plot line are what sink the episode.


Are you forgetting Get Schwifty?

Completely. Then we got Anya!

Love Xander, but that's after 7 seasons. I can imagine disliking him if you've only seen season 1.

Same here.

But Starbuck wasn't dead…


In my mind Cordy was the best part of Angel.

Naw. Unlike Koski I don't feel that everyone who likes Ghosbusters is an inhuman devil spawn. I just think it's a kind of boring movie.

Fake movie science is hilarious.
"Ghosts are attacking the city!"
"Don't worry, I know quantum physics!" *proceeds to write nonsense on a blackboard thus solving the crisis.

I try not to be the guy that gets upset over those things, but I was a little shocked by that too.

It looks mediocre, which already makes it better than the original!

I'll be honest, I've only seen Jontron's video on it, but I think that was enough.

So is this like what Foodfight could have been?

They're not that conservative. I actually think it was the AV club that called them crypto conservative which I found confusing.

My favorite part is the idea of this movie being relevant. "London has Fallen- the most relevant movie since Battleship!"

Go back to Fuckheadistan.