A mystery then. My friend was never really sure that’s where he contracted it, but that was the most likely explanation he could come up with for his case.
A mystery then. My friend was never really sure that’s where he contracted it, but that was the most likely explanation he could come up with for his case.
Each cat or dog is its own person; like children you have to love them for themselves and not compare them with others. But volunteering is a good idea because you might fall in love (never happened to Krispy; nope!)
If I wasn’t in another country, and don’t need more cats, I’d be adopting those two.
My sister I must have had different parents, because some of the things she does; my mother never taught her that!
I knew someone who believed he had gotten hepatitis from sharing a razor when he was travelling as a young person and living in hostels, so anything that can break the skin can act as a medium.
It works/doesn’t work irregularly.
I’m so sorry; he sounds like a wonderful person.
A bad sprain should get medical attention too; and they can take longer to heal than a break (sorry). At least you got coffee!
The person who posted Pissing Contest left Jezebel, but commenter Snide-o-Mite has starting posting a pissing contest thread on the SNS posts; scroll down to find it.
Rest, ice, elevate and compress. You should probably go to the hospital in any case; watch if it starts to really show massive bruising.
Years ago my sister used a broker to get her a van; this is someone who goes to auctions where rental dealerships are selling off their fleets, for example (most buy new cars every year). She got an excellent deal on a van in mint condition.
I got the astrazeneca, and had flu-like symptoms a day later. Not terrible; mostly headache and sore arm. Ask if you can take an NSAID, like motrin or advil to help with the side-effects. They said “okay” to me, but you should ask when you get it.
I’m so sorry about your sweet Link. This boy will carve his own special place in your life.
Maybe concentrate on keeping it in tip top condition so it’s glossy with lots of body; healthy hair is attractive no matter what colour it is.
You are correct; he is ridiculously adorable! Congratulations on your bouncing baby puppy! He looks like he could be a dachshund?
Yay for some successes! I’m so sorry you are feeling so down; depression can be so dark, and we can forget that things were ever better. You have a good friend
Some of it yes, some no. I think it suits unstructured coats and jackets, but some more fitted things risk looking both bulky and fussy.
There used to be a thousand comments or more.
Jezebel used to be more like a cottage industry rather than a corporate industry. If you’ve been reading since 2008, you’ll know what I mean; the authors would interact with the commentariat more, there were things like COTD, which showed that the authors actually read the comments. There was interaction between the…
I’m so sorry for your loss.