
But, why stretch it? Everyone in China is short!

It's a camaro, and you wonder what the quality issues are? I'd say the quality issue is that it's a camaro.


It still looks lik shit. Not even high speed functional shit. It's cool they made a fast version and all, and maybe it will help all those poor, blind, saps that got conned into buying a juke feel better about themselves, but I doubt it. Why don't they drop an LS2 in an aztek and send that around the track while

That's for breakfast! I said meat and egg based proteins. Yesterday morning, for breakfast, I had donuts 8oz of mid rare steaks, fries, and two eggs over medium doused in hollandaise. I use butter in almost everything, eat bacon, duck confit, and one of my favorite recipes is fresh pasta with fava beans, cippolinis

I gain strength quickly, but it's hard as hell for me to gain mass. I eat large quantities of food and snack almost all the time, and not on processed crap. Lots of almonds, leafy greens, some sort of meat or egg based protein with every meal, if not both. I also make things like candied bacon ice cream, and butter

Hell, I'm 6'4" and I weigh 168-175 depending on how much I've eaten and how much I've been running. My height and weight totally skews how much I think shorter people weigh too, a well as how people gain and retain weight. I'm 30 now, and the most I've ever weighed is 180 when I was lifting 5 times a week and eating

It depends on the region as to where people get their electricity. With the current track of alternative energy development and the refinements made in energy conservation by appliances, the notion that demand for electricity will skyrocket in the medium term because of people charging their electric cars seems, to

Step 1) Make a clearly defined statement. Step 2) Back up said statement with any evidence or some kind of logic. Step 3) Feel the lack of fail and happiness that you didn't just embarrass yourself in front of the entire internet.

My understanding is that the injunction is against the sale of the iPad, not the production and export of it. Not that I have any understanding of Chinese law, but in the US, public policy is something that is evaluated in many cases, and the economic harm of a production ban is something that would be seriously

AHHHHHH! Kill it with FIRE!

Surely someone, somewhere on the internet has gotten a good look at that license plate and tracked down the name, address, and phone number of the driver. I want him to be found so that the internet can more thoroughly shame him!

Errr, no, the car was trying to force the cyclist to the side of the road. Depending on where you are, a bike is considered a vehicle like any other on the roads, and must be given the space and care you would devote to any other vehicle on the road. There were a good few occasions where people got sent to the

Not yet. There's no ruling supporting that yet. the usable airspace allowance was made in the name of public policy to facilitate air travel. The burden borne by the landowner is minuscule compared to the public benefit of air travel. The public benefit of having drones fly everywhere, relatively close to the

News helos have cameras that can focus on tiny things on the ground as they hover far above the ground and avoid violating private airspace. Your argument has a huge ass hole in it. No, I don't have my airspace ownership wrong because I do not own any airspace, but I obviously understand trespassing principles

You checked wrong. In common law, in the past, when you bought a piece of property, the borders of that property extended down to the center of the earth and infinitely up into the sky. You owned the land, the earth below it, and the sky above it. Now, you own the land, a certain depth beneath it, as well as the

The "unusual" aesthetic you describe from the wearing of bow ties is more attributable to that fact that too many of the people that wear them do so because they are neat or they want to be different. All too often, these people are like my roommate, who insists he would prefer a pocket watch, and then wears it so as

A modest machine will also do content creation, document editing, photo and movie editing, allow you access to a greater number of features on whatever social networking services you use, play almost any codec imaginable, serve as a remote media server with terabytes of storage for any consoles or media playback

You're obviously way too stuck up. Have fun riding that puritanical conservative train. The rest of the world, you know, the cultures that have been around a while and seen a thing or two, don't have the same taboos you do, and don't seem to be all that much worse off for it in the ways that could possibly relate to

At no point did they state that there was not a physical connection. It is a pretty substantial assumption to make that there is not.