
Leave it to the italians to take a Brit sports car that would've looked gorgeous 100 years ago, and would've done the saem 100 years from now, and trash it up. The double bubble top looks great, and is the only major Zagato design key that is needed. A small logo in tasteful place on the passenger dash where it

Damn, son.

Gizmodo is saying this? Of all websites? Your images load so slowly many times that I get all the text, logos, and anything that might've been cached during previous visits, and a whole bunch of broken pics. Other websites have no problem with this, even when I have limited bandwidth and am tethering through my

Keep in mind that the Jefferson county jails also have a number of pending lawsuits against them for the conditions inside the jails. Corrupt officials spent hundreds of millions on contracts to redo the sewer system, which still doesn't work, and the county has finally declared bankruptcy. Go to jail anywhere other

You need to leave. Quickly and quietly. Before someone hurts you.

No, no it wouldn't.

Perhaps you missed the post where he said "what if you live in an apartment building on the 10th floor and the back faces only trees and I fly my drone 10 feet away from your window? There is no trespass there since you can make no use of the air space 10 feet away from your 10th story window. What if you live in the

You obviously have no concept of how much money is at stake. That's not going to happen with Apple, or anyone else.

Any true hoon knows that the bus isn't an option...unless you're hooning it.

I'm being confrontational and arrogant because a lot of time gets wasted on "what if". If you set forth a concept and back it up with a hypothetical to illustrate a point, then more power to you, but simply tossing out hypotheticals is a tactic to bury someone in a pile of crap rather than advancing a debate.

As any law professor will tell you "We could play what if until both of us die of old age. I'm not going to play what if with you." Plus, I'm paying for my education in law, it leaves me with neither the time nor the inclination to educate you about it.

That's no waiter's friend. A waiter's friend has a hinged lever to more quickly and easily remove the cork from the bottle.

You know what would stop him from having a peek in your window? Trespassing laws. Just because the drone isn't touching the ground doesn't mean that it's not trespassing. Unless a property owner, or a previous owner that agreed only to sell to a buyer that agrees to the same terms, signed away arial and/or

Stay fugly chevy ;)

I'm gonna go with: That's retarded, and if I see you riding that I will push you over and laugh as you bleed.

Whatever *J version of the Jeep, the last gen with the inline 6, has a simple process that you go through that then displays the codes on the Odometer. I was doing some work on my dad's Jeep and discovered this in diagnosing the issue. The I ran into the screw that Jeep wanted $17 for. It wasn't even a big one.

OK input lag.

Que the jackass, "I'm not a slave to time so I don't wear a watch / I have a cell phone, who needs a watch when you have a cellphone" replies from people that try too hard to be different and/or have no sense of style. I'm shocked there aren't more of these already. On that note, If you were considering posting

Crack Pipe for the price alone.

Still look like shit. Sorry.