
Eh, I deal with consumable tinctures and infusions. I'm old enough where zits aren't a problem. I was just adding what I could.

Depends. Any sort of neutral spirit with a certain minimum alcohol content ought to work. I am unsure of the effect of alcohol content on how effective the extraction of the compounds is.

Jeep Unimog for cheaper that can do something resembling highway speeds please!

If you get out, then the zombie hordes will get you. All you need to do is get in.

I don't have any debt...

Plus, Bonus Chance of Painful Death!

So, when the Russians try do make anything more complicated than a gun, it fails horribly. That seems about right!

What we need is someone to make a browser plugin, like social fixer for facebook, but for gawker sites, that lets us remove the irritating crap and keep the stuff we want. Onward, nerds, and upwards! Sally forth and repurpose the overly commercialized website! Or, gawker could just present ads in a way that aren't

That'll will be an extra $60,000, plus the signing of a waiver of liability for Ferrari in the event that fire surpression system catches fire and fails to surpress the fire.

Adblock, personal blocklist, and better popup blocker, grasshopper. Of course, if the ads were tasteful an non intrusive, neither you or I would need these things, but since we can all agree that gawker media has no idea what tasteful is, here we are.

Yep. While accurate for most of the the consuming public, their statement is incorrect and lacks qualifiers that would make it closer to the truth. It should have said "eat shit, die young". I'll stop short of saying that if you're too uneducated to eat well, then you deserve what you get, but, unfortunately, there

Catchy Headline? Check

That's one minivan down folks! Let the revolution begin!!

Can't I just have a nice set of 16's or 17's? Hell, I've got the stock 17" longbeach rims on my jetta. They look great, but when it comes time to replace the tires, I really wish I had 16's. It's so bad that when I consider cars for when mine dies, I rule out anything with 18's and up.

Ooooo, it's just waiting for me to spill a glass of wine on my desk so that I can take out my laptop and my expensive ass lamp at the same time!

The rest can go, but I'm seriously diggin the rims. I love the many tiny spokes look, it's one of the major reasons Alpina BMW's with the classic Alpina multi-spokes look so damn good.

Also, some big cars that are diesel, like a Toyota FJ. I want one. It's my secret shame, wanting an SUV, but I do, and I want it to e diesel, and I don't want to have to spend 15k on an engine transplant.

Yes! This!

Don't know shit about audio equipment, but I what I have isn't trash and has lasted me quite a while because I researched and spent enough money to get something quality. Now, wine, yes, my taste is pretty refined according to the sommelier that took me under his wing a few years ago. And the winemakers and chefs

Well, I'm sad I couldn't get in before the bitching about expensive watches started, but at least I'm here before some asshole starts in on how his five dollar Casio does more than the above watch.