
No, you don't have to love him, and no, it's not wrong to feel weird about liking any of those shoe designs because they're all hideous and borderline retarded.

I've got an 01 jetta 1.8t, so I'll say a broken AC in the summer in the south and intermittent electrical problems.

Well, I do know someone with a grand total of 2.3 limbs because of an adverse reaction to a flu vaccine, none of them whole. Not getting a flu shot may not save me from the flu, but I'm more likely to keep my appendages.

Except for the potential for an adverse reaction, which can happen any time you get a flu shot, and leave you with extensive neurological damage or minus some limbs, if you live through it. But keep on, you ensure that people like myself don't have to get a flu shot!

If you're vegan, then screw you anyway.

Hey, zima got big a long time ago and has apparently managed to stick around. From what it sounds like this will be a little bit more like wine. A sparkling sav blanc that costs less than a decent bottle of wine sounds pretty good on a hot summer day.

It's like nascar "stock cars", which means "has a body shell a little shaped like, and stickers to make it look more similar to a car that once saw the road after $20k in aesthetic mods by a fanboy"

Yeah, but it's all abou instant access for many people, including me, when I'm drunk and have spare time. Let's face it, I'm drunk a fair bit, because I work two jobs to pay for law school out of pocket and somehow manage to still make good grades, but being drunk AND having free time happens less rather than more.

Ummmm, the difference between an SLR and a point and shoot that I care about is the SLR part. Pressing the button and then getting to wait a semi-determinate amount of time for a possibly blurry or too late picture sucks. Given that it's ditched the other stuff, does it have the speed?

Kill it with fire! Hideous.

I'm pretty sure the camera was stationary for most of the shots with both of them in there, but if not, the cameraman was a midget, because, who else could you stuff under a wheelchair?

Do what I did and buy a lightly used HD2 off craigslist for $150 and then flash android to it. Big screenandroid on the cheap.

I haven't seen the inside, but I assume that of the C30 is well resolved. I didn't know that the interior quality of Volvo was anything other than great.... I just recall looking at a C30 with an aero kit of some sort and being shocked at the $34k sticker price. I shook my head and wondered why anyone would pay

I could be wrong, but the Volvo C30's that I have seen are not slightly more money, they are around 15% more money. An extra five grand when you're looking at $25-$30k cars is substantial. I think the only argument about a better car close to the same price point that holds weight is the one about the WRX, but

I call upon the powers of the internet to smite the bastards that messed with this car, and throw them in prison, where slippery fingers will never let them not drop the soap!

Wonder if it's a chrome or mac thing. I'll test it on my desktop PC, but most of my browsing is done on my lower spec 13" Macbook Air.

That's funny, I see a video showing a 2011 AMG SL65 for sale, and no matter how many times I reload the page, it stays there. Same thing has been happening for a couple weeks.

My thought throughout the entire thing!