
Smaug was worthy, but they still managed to bungle even that.

I mean what’s that point of having a character who speaks one of the most badass boasts ever written (“My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane, and my breath death!”)

The only reason Figment doesn’t top the list is because Disney lacks the vision to make a film around him.

After Clifford killed himself”

Nope. Penelope killed him too.

Swear to God, part of the reason I like Whedon’s “Much Ado About Nothing” so much is because it essentially gives Wesley and Fred a happy ending.

“Would you like me to lie to you now?”

I remember reading she was up for the role of Yvaine in "Stardust" but turned it down. Shame.

I find your lack of Luke Skywalker turning a squad of Death Troopers into scrap metal in “The Mandalorian” disturbing.

I always thought that the nudity, though completely gratuitous, was kinda sweet and pure in context, but HOLY SHIT, SHE WAS ONLY 15 WTF!

“Crisis”, baby. He’ll be back.

Allow me to once again express my profound annoyance that AV Club stopped doing “Riverdale” episode reviews just when this past season really started to hit its full metal bugfuck crazy stride.

I really hope that AV Club will recognize the error of its ways and commit to episode reviewing the full, final season of this

Yeah. This would have worked so much better.

I understand why Disney made the change, but I rather wish they hadn’t. It still would have been PG-13.

A trustworthy quisling is useful, and developing a reputation of constantly altering the deal would make it harder for the Empire to make deals to begin with.

I suspect that Luthen’s anti-TIE fighter beam weapon was essentially a really big pair of lightsabers.

As well as forcing slaves to build the very tools and maintain the systems that will keep them oppressed. Totally on point with realiy.

That’s not fan service. That’s ironic foreshadowing of a powerful friendship snapping in two and coming to its tragic conclusion.

It's been in continuous construction on the down-low for 15 years now.

In fairness, Kevin Smith himself helped smack that stake in years ago

I didn’t have a problem with the mention of Canto Blight, save that it obligated me to briefly acknowledge Episode VIII’s existence.

I'd argue it was a quite pointful connection to other parts of the franchise.