
“all-new 3rd person action adventure game set in the Star Wars universe” and “They join our other great studios” are not directly related to SWTOR. They are working on entirely new game and state they get to work on star wars projects for EA just like those other studios.

Locked in platforms is kinda weird, I don’t see why they would do that. From that information I can completely understand the delay being frustrating for people already locked into 3DS or Vita.

Hell Yeah!

No argument here, I love portable games and this would be great portable. I only have a 3ds atm and I think it would look a lot better on Vita than 3ds. Based on the fact that the 3ds doesn’t really support the unreal 3 engine, the vita version will probably be out before 3ds, but who knows. So for me it will be a

This doesn’t bother me us much as I thought it would. I think this is because I already chose to buy this on PC or Wii U. I think it will look a lot better compared to the portable and play a lot better with a controller over handheld controls

The Wii U also did come out a year before both xbox one and ps4.

Sad but true.

When it was strictly Nintendo and Sega competing Nintendo did try to compete with their platform. As soon as Sony and Microsoft got involved they seem to give up competing against them hardware wise.

I did reply to you but I meant to imply the Gamecube wasn’t as bad as Wii U. I will clarify next time.

I agree, to a point. The Wii U should have came out at the time the Wii was released. This just proves that since the Wii that Nintendo has been behind a generation.

True, but Virtual boy was intended as a portable system even though there is no way people would be hauling that POS around anywhere lol.

I agree with you entirely. I have stated many times in previous comments that Nintendo could go the way of Sega if they do not change they way they approach Console hardware development. I think if their hardware is under-powered (again) or they find some other way to alienate third party developers again they will

Wii U might be worse

In this case it was that they chose those stupid mini discs that limited developers from porting games over to their system.

If the Wii U had slightly beefier hardware/graphics and more importantly and architecture that developers could easily develop for it might have more support.


Nintendo needs to not repeat anything that happened during the Wii U lifecycle. Their entire marketing, lack of third party games, lack of regular installments of virtual console games...5 games every 2 months is not acceptable when you have one of the biggest libraries in the gaming industry.

I beat the main game in 4 1/2 hours on the 22nd. I was a bit frustrated at the controls even up to the last boss fight. I was getting better but I still had not fully adjusted to looking at both screens alternately and try to maneuver at the same time. I did play the next morning and was very comfortable in the Arwing

I will be buying Zero today after I get off work. I have been reading and watching a lot of reviews to know what to expect. From what I can tell it seems like there is a good time to look at the TV and a good time to look at the Gamepad. I think if you as the player can figure out when to look at which one it might