
I was thinking this too haha.

hell, I would pay $10 if it had controller support and arcade/story mode. I’m sure they could have some invention/time travel story that doesn’t make any sense (like most time travel movies) but would be awesome nonetheless.

I wish some old man would make a time machine so I could go back and experience this ride it for the first time.

If we are not restricted to movie Batmobiles. The Arkham Knight Batmobile is the best IMHO. This article seems like a shameless promotion for the Ford Raptor by stating “it’s practically a batmobile”.

BTW, Tree of Savior is great. Feels similar to RO but has a lot of fresh ideas that make it really fun. Takes all the great things about RO, gets rid of the less fun stuff. For instance, it feels a lot less grindy than RO, at least so far. I am only level 24 atm but the battles are extremely fun and the game is

If they have policies, they do not make them easy to find.

I agree, Bryan Singer ruined the X-Men movies. I was so happy that First Class was great. Days of future past was good. Lets hope Apocalypse knocks it out of the park. So far it looks great.

1. But this is a series. Dawn of justice means the dawn of the justice league.

This review, if you could call it that, sounds more subjective than objective. You bring up some good points and I am not claiming this is the best movie ever but a lot of what you two are saying seems very personal based on what you wanted and not what you were given. No movie is without flaws but overall this was a

Called it!

Hulu, My one stop shop for anime.... oh and other stuff.

If they are showing us multiple pictures how come they cannot show us a video of it in action? This could be a dev kit controller for the NX or it could be total BS. I want to see a video of this in action to even give this any consideration.

I think I need to watch me some Patlabor

Nintendo is trying to police their games, which is their right. The problem is that they aren’t telling people what policies they are enforcing. You can’t arrest someone if they aren’t aware of the law they are breaking. Nintendo has no equivalent to miranda rights before punishing people.

10% ? Really? I used to hate Gamestop for only giving about 40-45% (if you traded it in the next day after launch you get 50-60%, but who does that) of the original purchase price. 10% is a punch in the dick! I think it could be good if there are games you will never play again like Assassin’s creed or other linear

Agreed. It feels more like Zelda in the sense that the main character is reincarnated or is the hero needed at the time in this specific world. Cross and Trigger couldn’t be more different.

Chrono Cross was okay but not quite as good or memorable as Chrono Trigger. Chrono Cross music was exceptional though...for the record.

LOZ:LTTP (Legend of Zelda:Link to the Past)