
Yes, EA is indeed responsible for a lot. 

Why are they making such a point to say that the loot boxes “are fun and enjoyable for people”? It’s not like that was ever part of this legal discussion. When I was in court for *allegedly* selling crack to 12 year olds I wasn’t all “but you know your honor, the kids really enjoy crack, it makes em feel good.”

What is the point of this article? Anyone interested in the game knows it is a Justin Roiland game, where he isn’t shackled to cable censors.

Google really thinks this is going to work, huh?  Unless they also have a presentation about adding Google Fiber nationwide simultaneously, I don't think Stadia has a chance.

That's an English trailer with an ESRB logo. I think it's safe to say we have word on an international release. 

“We made it this way because this is the way Japan is, so fuck you.”

Not only that, but also the fact that you can play the games during a time when you normally can’t play good AAA games, on the go.


Plug for Diablo on Switch- Local Multiplayer Nirvana Right There

I’m hoping that these classic editions are just prepping people for the inevitable Virtual Console that includes ALL of these games and more. That might be wishful thinking. OK, it’s wishful thinking.

Seems like it’ll be a neat solution for collectors but I honestly just want these games on my Switch. SNES games are great on the 3ds. but they are a little hard to appreciate on the small screen. The Switch like the perfect device for SNES games - with the caveat that it still lacks a joypad. Hmm.

I see very little difference in making a jagras run into vines in World and trying to corral a gammoth into a pitfall trap in Generations. Besides, it’s something you can do and not something you need to do.

Why would they care about marketing a 15 year old game for a dead system, given its Melee that the pros are mostly focused on? It’s hardly like new Smash games need the marketing help. And competitive Smash is hardly a good advertisment for the product they’re trying to sell anyway; 1v1 no items pro style matches are

If anything, I think the opposite is true. They seem to be listening to their fans more than ever these days, which makes the weird gaps where they still don’t all the more befuddling.

I’m assuming this is a remake of Metroid 2: The Return of Samus for the Gameboy? this would explain why Nintendo C&Ded the AM2R fan game.

I had not considered Rocket League on Switch, so this was actually one of the best surprises to me! Basically an auto buy for someone like me who spent 500+ hours in the game already; handheld/portable rocket league <3

Nintendo pls, you can’t announce a Switch Pokemon game and Prime 4 a few minutes later and expect me to not squeal like a child in my office.