donalds gonna be in for a shocking when he trys to grab caitlyns pussy
donalds gonna be in for a shocking when he trys to grab caitlyns pussy
casual encounters women are hookers generally too fucking ugly for backpage
you consider a 56 year old a child?
he might want to make sure that jenner skank is fumigated before he pokes it they only do black bucks anyway
yeah facts are silly stupid things to some commentators
well actually in horror flicks its the dumb blonde first
when i got aboard the USS Kitty Hawk the new guys asked what it took an we were told a combination of 14 well placed torpedos an dumb bombs however really all have to do is get to the liquid oxygen system which makes oxygen for the pilots 2 pounds of c4 placed there an you have the worlds biggest blowtorch
what a choice a pussygrabber vs a prick
yes because world leaders follow the advice of a two bit writer from some inept online news magazine (oh but i did like how you got that racist blame whitey for trump bullshit in there )
they say truth is a defence
best movie i have seen since showgirls
it was muslim terrorist oh wait a minute she was muslim — nevermind
i know a couple of kids in her class that would have loved to have a heads up that she was hooking up with norman bates
the spice girls arent they sorta like spinal tap only with vaginas?
what you know it was montel williams
dont let the door hit you on the way out
wonder if her choices in teaching were anything like her choices in partners
He may very well have groomed him for committing this heinous act- .you got proof genius?