
This goes beyond that though. The “author” if you can call her that is really just taking it to another level and laying on the Justin hate pretty thick, and I can’t figure out why. Its just weird and gross.

When I saw, “Thanks for helping Abandoned Dogs out.” I thought, “Is that the name of the team?”

FFS I’m glad someone here is fucking normal. Britney is a hot mess and just exists to cause drama, like a middle school bully. And it looks like every person who has fallen for her toxic bullshit is developmentally disabled. You’d have to be to be in order to print shit like this. Just fucking gross. Why go after

“Every major studio continued to hire mostly male directors for the top-grossing films of the year”

What an aggressively obnoxious article. So now we’re going to criticize someone for supporting Democrats, while praising some crazy dips**t with zero self-awareness who called Democrats and Biden evil due to the Tara Reader accusation while simultaneously supporting the serial sexual predator that is Trump, not to ment

Yes, we all know how Hamas are champions for women's rights...

A lot of women HERE undergo c-sections with no anesthesia. If it’s an actual emergency or too late in the delivery process, that’s normal.

Apparently they’re in an open relationship and the quote from her was that he “doesn’t like sharing” (poor guy with this loony person).

I’m pretty sure that despite what the DAILY MAIL has to say, a recording artist that is still extremely well liked, talented and successful, who doesn’t spend the entirety of his spare time posting unhinged to social media while calling it “freedom”, who clearly didn’t have a ghostwriter work OT to ensure it looks

Imagine being stuck in an elevator with them

To Jada, it appears to be a way to maintain a lifestyle her mediocre talent could not, and to continously drag the person she claims to love. She’s an asshole. Period. Full stop.

Wow I can’t believe there are consequences for having a government run by a terrorist organization.

Probably doesn’t help that Palestinian Jihadis are accidentally blowing up their own hospitals.

So they didn’t feel the need to write a single thing about the terrorist attack because it’s already being covered everywhere? It’s one of the biggest stories of the year and there is a ton of stuff they could have reported on.Respectfully, this story was covered everywhere too. It’s on the front page of the NYTimes

And which radio station causes the shootings of 50-60 black youth in that same city every weekend?

And this came at a time where openly supporting massaccurring innocent Jews is considered appropriate, objecting to it was not. And the history of progressive supporting this goes beyond the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In Jersey City three years ago, a black woman openly supported the massacre that took the life of

This is horrible and the killer should go right to gas chamber. That being said, it’s kind of unbelievable how one sided the coverage of this issue has been on this site.

It was 5 years ago that Jezebel published an article by a Palestinian woman demanding that progressives support the killing of two Jewish teenagers. No, it was not anti-Palestinian rhetoric that got this child murdered. It was the hateful rhetoric from The pro Palestinian crowd which was openly promoted by mainstream

Swift is a yuge deal in the minimum wage basement dweller community. Mama Kelce got too much dough to give a fuck about some woketard singer

Donovan was just providing an abortion “outside of the medical system.