brilliant assumption capt obivous
brilliant assumption capt obivous
what the fuck are you grieving for you got no skin in the game
if they only had tomahawk cruise missiles
actually if you consent to sex in the dark with someone you cant see you shouldnt be allowed to reproduce
are you like a spokesman for NAMBLA?
yes because its perfectly legit for 15 year olds to prostitute an grown man to solicit get a clue dude
work with the orange bozo ? yeah right someones smoking crack
point on!!!!
all cute now till she gets her first libel lawsuit
miss piggy certainly looks like she was eating well , its gonna take a crane to get her off the gurney
worked out ok for prince namor
you sure it was heroin an not paint chips?
im cueing my violin
alison i know this world is killing you oh alison my aim is true - elvis costello
really a tuxedo? dudes got some serious penis envy issues
i have noticed the pre op transexuals with the biggest mouths usually have the smallest weenies
very classy love your style
the real donnie brasco
jezz guess i will settle for BFF
not many rhinos left