Jen Selter, Instagram celebrity and “advocate for fitness” known by millions for coining the deeply unpleasant term “…
Jen Selter, Instagram celebrity and “advocate for fitness” known by millions for coining the deeply unpleasant term “…
I was watching the video, impressed from start to finish because you can see the “ooooooooooooooh shiiiiiit” as the brake lights shine for a few seconds then they go off and he just turns hard into it and my jaw dropped.
Intellectually I know that I know what one is supposed to do in that situation. Realistically…
But only if they are required to verbally and in writing let their patients and potential patients know that they refuse to perform a basic procedure. Like, if you went to a podiatrist who refused to treat ingrown toenails because his religion felt they were icky, then that doctor has an obligation to make it clear…
In the midst of what should be a relatively innocuous conversation about legislative spending, Congress has…
Hello, humans of Jalopnik, and welcome to a special edition of Letters to Doug, your favorite weekly Jalopnik column…
Kanye West, Jay Z and Tidal have been hit with a class-action lawsuit, claiming they all hoodwinked fans through…
Everything about this is wonderful. Wonderful.
Before now, I never really recognized the very present danger of action movie shoots.
If your particular phobia is that of scary clowns (coulrophobia) then I urge you to back away from your computer or…
From your lips to the Noodle’s divine orrichiette.
Finally, a review of my favorite sandwich.
Give the ground forces control over their attack aircraft and transport. It’s not sexy.
Royal Marines are a whole level of badassery beyond ours.
I mean, they’ve acted like they wouldn’t, but they’ve never thrown a hissy fit like the Republicans in the Senate Judiciary committee are currently throwing. It’s fucking ridiculous how these assholes are Constitutional scholars when anybody dares mention “gun” and “control” in the same sentence, but they are…
You can’t find a single comparable position the Democrats have taken, dearest.
as much as I love these cars, CP. Way too high of an asking price.
I agree. They want justification for their racist, greedy, hateful beliefs. They cherry-pick phrases from the Bible and call themselves Christians. If it were not so awful, it would be funny: Trump has a life history of obvious greed, lies, and corruption, but they support him for his bullying racism, ignorance and…
Power moms are bananas. It's why I just wrote a check to the PTA and went home.
Nissan obviously thought long and hard about how to make their jellybeanmobiles exciting in time for the Chicago Auto Show. How about... treads?! [Image via Nissan and there are plenty more if you’re into this!]
Verizon has raised the baseline data you get on prepaid plans. Combined with a bonus you can get for using Autopay,…