This is more of Kardashian’s style.
This is more of Kardashian’s style.
What, you don’t think dumping $300 million into a stadium in a city that is still struggling financially is a great idea? What are you, a Commie?
Forget all the Russia stuff. The Comey firing itself has turned into a blunder of such epic proportions that Donald…
Too late, I already don’t give a shit about Wyoming.
Imagine having such a great opportunity to learn and grow (visiting that museum) and instead deciding to continue on being a hateful, cowardly, disgusting bigot. What a sad and pathetic life.
Yes, but in fairness, anyone in the deep south who can read and write nowadays is something akin to a “Commie.”
But it’s a moot point since he can carry the kid in his lap and therefor that seat isn’t transferred.
They just want carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want to/in/with foreign countries, without having to answer for it.
Andrew Jackson was responsible for the Trail of Tears. Let’s just leave it at that. He was a repulsive man and a horrible president. So he does have a lot in common with Trump.
This is a cat on top of a police car. But it’s not just any police car. This anarchist cat decided to hop onto a car…
I don’t understand why we would want the internet to be a government controlled utility. (I’m sure everyone is really happy with their utility companies?).
It’s tempting sometimes isn’t it? To throw morality out and say fuck everybody else while peddling whatever bullshit would make us rich. In my darker moments I even rationalize the sewage by thinking about all the good that could be done with that wealth after I amassed it.
If the world was fair, he would be followed for the rest of his days by people saying his kids weren’t real and were false flags.
this is going well so far
Dude, think your position through. Even that sign says to read the manual.
I just bought a Prius and I read the manual. So 2 months ago. That’s when the last time anyone ever read their car’s owner manual without there being something wrong.
Read mine cover to cover. You’d be an idiot not to.
I love reading car manuals, especially as of late, there are so many little interesting things to find in terms of not-so-obvious controls and features. Maybe I’m just weird that way.
I, like most sensible Alabamians, am fully aware that this is a garbage state represented by garbage politicians.
If you come out un-maimed, it may be ok.