
Great write-up. My takeaways:

Yeah, sure, but email, tho.

I would have voted Mccain in 08 but his choice as running mate was a disaster, I had to question his judgement on that pick.

It is one of my persistent regrets that I did not go to the University of Chicago for their Rhetoric program when I was applying to college. You seem like you might have!

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

Not just the Dodgers logo . . .

If Republicans were smart—if they were a rational political party able to act in their own best interests—they’d impeach Trump as soon as possible.

Pretty much this. If you’d said to the Founders, “The thing you’re making will last more than two centuries, then some guy you consider three-fifths of a person will get two terms, then everybody who freaked out about that will rally behind a psychotic orange goblin who is basically a figurehead of a foreign power and

Prince Harry is certainly the “Bro Prince” and that was a terrible decision. He needs to make more “I’m gonna get naked” decisions.