


Disregard. Didn’t see the obvious. Not enough coffee this morning.

Poor little guy. I bet he was exhausted.

We’d all like to think Rubio is pandering and he doesn’t actually believe this nonsense because he just seems moderate, especially standing next to Huckabee and Cruz but he does believe it. He’s a total nutbag.

“Because she has probably been aborted,” said Mother Teresa.

Hopefully your travels don’t take you anywhere other than where you see a red dot:

What about the idiots calling this guy and threatening his life because of some stupid stickers? Yeah, I’m sure this plumber thought terrorists would be an excellent co-branding opportunity to increase awareness of his services. “Terrorists blow up your well? Call Mark-1 Plumbing today!”

Meanwhile Standford #33, the guy who started the whole thing... remains in the game.