Never take your helmet advice from Bradley.
Never take your helmet advice from Bradley.
When one side is lead by a certified-flaming-fucking-idiot drunk on family money, how well can it go? I hate Tony George with the passionate heat of a thousand suns. He took the sport I loved and turned it into a pathetic joke. He’s the murdering boyfriend in a if-I-can’t-have-her-nobody-can homicide.
As expected, a trip to the drag strip for 13
consecutive runs on my 3.0-swapped SVT Contour
wiped the new clutch straight out. Having never
gone this deep into a car before, I pulled the
wheels, suspension and transaxle off and swapped
in a new clutch disc and pressure plate. But
when I went to put the transaxle back on, I
Sounds like Frank Abagnale Jr got a little bored working for the FBI and decided to play a little "Catch Me If You Can" on the high banks of Talladega.
Don’t forget about the Reagan tariffs on foreign bikes that came about in the 80's as well.
Bill Ford also apparently owns 35 Mustangs. I like Mustangs too, generally speaking, but do you really need that many? Like maybe three at most would suffice.
This is awesome. Some day in the future, humans may actually be able to see out of Camaros.
Being the younger sibling and having to wear hand me downs sucks when your older sibling is the same gender. When you’re a boy and she’s a girl, well you develop a “don’t fuck with me” face early on.
I'm more concerned that he's wearing his sister's sandals.
Steempy, you eeediot!
They have wings, let them fly away
Mold and mildew cleaner is $5 for a bottle. Buy a roll of paper towels and get to scrubbing. Toss in a few moth balls and let it sit for a week and the mold will be gone. Mold is easy to get rid of, I’ve had to do it twice.
As fast as Verstappen is, he’s going to have to learn that avoiding crashes is part of winning. Hashing out whose fault it was is fine, but if you want championships it ultimately doesn’t matter why you hit someone. It matters that you hit someone.
Now, up to now my plan went all right
‘Til we tried to put it all together one night
And that’s when we noticed that something was definitely wrong.
It was designed for the UK, we get mainly drizzle. Rare we’d ever get snow to the point it would affect steering, and even on the occasions we do, the entire country shuts down and we just drink tea until the snow buggers off.
You guys haven’t posted in almost a month. EICMA has come and gone. Marquez won his sixth title. Do you really not have anything to write about that’s motorcycle related? Is this thing on? Hello?