
There’s kind of an off tone here. The premise seems to be that maybe people only liked Borderlands because they were immature and young and now they are old and seasoned and won’t? I guess that works if you assume that the player was X age (maybe your age?) when they first started playing but now they have “been to a

I don’t want to make a thing of this but I think, down here in the comments section, there’s a difference between “I’m willing to make a joke about this” and “I don’t think this is a serious thing”. There are lots of things that are serious and terrifying in the world that people joke about to help cope with the stark

Apology accepted.

I like reading end of the world Drake fanfiction in my Deadspin comments.

That’s right, but they never attack the same way twice. They were testing the Bucks for weaknesses, systematically.

A male Samus? in what crazy world do we live?! What next? Female Thor? Black Spiderman?! Ghostbusters with women??!!

Too be fair, the slur is there prominently in the original art.

Thank goodness that even though the future in TD2 is bleak, that there is a ray of politically correct sunshine.

The virtue of victimhood. 

Deion And Bo both played just one season each in the minors because they were fun and exciting players who could help major league teams win. Remember that? Playing to win games?? I hate owners so much 

He clearly used his argument as justification to live out his revenge fantasies. Which makes him both a monster, and someone the average person can probably relate to. We’ve all had revenge fantasies. What bothers me are those who think in the end he’s actually right, when he clearly is a hypocrite.

“It was one of the best lines we ever read,” Feige told THR.

...oh. I thought it was this other line

Oh my GOD I’m so fucking sick of this narrative. All Lebron wants is to win the finals every year in a place he wants to be with the players he wants at the exact moment he wants them. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK

17 year old girl gets beat up by two women while drinking in a hotel room with prospects (not his players)

Yes, this.

The timeout must have worked, as the Spurs went on a 132-117 run after stopping the Wizards’ momentum.

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

Um, YOU redid Ghostbusters, Leslie. They’re making a sequel. Which is pretty much what the fans really wanted in the first place.