
Yes, they should be silenced, don’t you think?

So I’m hearing that it’s a fairly good game with more options than previous installments which stays faithful to the personality of the franchise, but I should be leery because I have matured and my video games should as well, an ancillary voice actor might be mean, and the sales proceeds from the game are possibly

The fictitious artist in the dystopian world who created the make believe street art, or the real-life artist who you know nothing about/have no concept of what their intent was with this piece? Why is there an assumption that the inclusion of distasteful material in media is meant to glorify it? If I saw this in a

Yes, clearly the reference to an old children’s story to sell a dumb chocolate duck was a disgusting display of insidious systemic racism. I am very glad that, as we approach human-driven planet death and the disintegration of civilization, we can find the clarity and courage to focus on what REALLY matters.

I found it supremely troubling that two guys out of an SNL sketch were so filled with hate that they waited in the street in frigid weather on the off chance an openly gay black actor might happen by at 2 in the morning, then beat him and berated him, poured bleach on him and tied a small string around his neck as if

So an old man who has been involved in the sport of hockey for virtually his entire adult life expresses his opinion on a dumb celebration, and you respond by calling all hockey people who reacted negatively old and decrepit? Then you attack him as having a melted brain and vomiting out incoherent babbling drivel,

So just to be clear, I saw them suck big time last night and then asked the question because I didn’t want to draw conclusions based on how little I have seen of them but I couldn’t believe this trade could somehow vault them to favorite status. That is all. Thank you all for your kind words.

I don’t watch Philadelphia play very often, but I saw them get trashed (and look like trash) last night. Adding the best player by default from an awful team gives them the best starting five by miles? What am I missing?

Interesting comments. I really enjoy everyone dismissing all the people who work their asses off as professional coaches as “some random white guys” because they feel differently pigmented people have not been afforded equal opportunity. Oh yeah, and everyone running a multimillion dollar football team is just a total

What a bunch of creepy sleazeballs. I miss Gawker and am glad you have outed these people as the opportunists they are. Trading services rendered for $$$$? I hope they all go to jail for a long time. As an aside, since Gawker was destroyed, presumably for being a bastion of classy journalism and writers above

Perhaps dogmatic ideologue sports bloggers (?) shouldn’t be spewing overly simplistic, divisive rhetoric and calling for people to be silent in the interest of a more caring and sharing populace? If the headline read: “Sports blogger Lauren Theisen needs to shut the fuck up”, I wonder how the author would take that?

Absolutely. When I used to buy games they shipped polished because a) there was no easy way of pushing enormous patches and updates, b) reputable developers would not in good conscience ship an unfinished/broken product, and c) no customer would lay down final version cash for the chance to "play" an incomplete game.

Is it wrong (racist?) to tell someone in jest to go back to their continent of birth, or is it that we all assume Africa must be hell compared to America and therefore it would be the worst possible thing for someone born in Camaroon to be made to go back there?🤔

So this is the level of discourse now? Incredulously debating the claim of various actresses to the label of “first plus-sized lead in a rom com”? I’m so glad that the world is full of crusaders, willing to valiantly fight for what they believe in...Fair treatment for millionaire actresses who would step over you as

That is dehumanization, a way of reconceiving your enemies as objects, pawns, strawmen, tools. At best, dismissing large swaths of people you disagree with this way betrays a lack of empathy for people whose experiences differ from yours, and an unwillingness to consider that if a vast number of people happen to

Isn’t the real lesson here that we now live in a special sphere of hell where you can lose your job for telling a story of someone’s bigoted remarks at a racetrack? Is insisting on, excuse the expession, ‘whitewashing’ of tales of awful people saying awful things virtuous, or does it simply minimize the severity of

Funny, I saw it as two amazingly talented Japanese baseball players, both arriving as phenomenons in American baseball one generation apart; past Spider-Man passing the mantle to current Spider-Man. A now legendary former player sharing a moment with the player who arrived with similar fanfare and has captured the

Any chance Drake is placed in a courtside hermetically sealed bubble for game two? I don’t want to miss out on the 13 reaction shots a quarter but, by God, we have to do something to ensure Kendrick Perkins’ safety.