
I think he has over the span of 10 seasons. I came to the show late, and marathoning the first few seasons the only complaint I had was that the music seemed to always be going. When it's there now it tends to be too much of a cue, but at least there are quiet moments

Cancellation aside, are long breaks a Doctor Who thing, or a Stephen Moffat thing?

Glad someone else called out Murray Gold. While there are some inspired pieces (the guitar version of Clara's theme in the diner was touching), the incidentals are so often on-the-nose and distracting, as noted on the review.

Glad someone else caught the Waters of Mars vibe. The way she was leaking, I was waiting for her lips to start cracking

Sad to see it go as it was one of a few shows I thought was worth watching live. As others have said, it probably couldn't have gone out on a better note so I'll take the bittersweetness

The Last Wish is certainly the place to start, as it serves as a literary introduction to Geralt (not that you won't know him if you've played the games). It's an easy read too since as tmda noted, it's a short story collection with an overarching connection

I was surprisingly excited to play FFXV: Episode Gladiolus. Then I finished within an hour of siding. The combat was distinct enough that I wanted to play, but the whole thing was one not-very-interesting dungeon.

Hopefully this show will lead to a solid performance in a small but important role for character actress Margo Martindale

Looks like it might have some more traditional action gameplay. That said, I don't know that I would pay for it had I not already purchased a season pass

What's wrong with that Regina Spektor song?

I also read it this way, and I think there's a bit of a visual cue in the way Tom dresses- throughout the movie, he wears lots of trendy, hip clothing but he shows up to the interview in a dark and traditional suit. He's outwardly grown up, in a sense

The outro music this season has been so good. There's been some stand out songs that I've added on spotify from previous seasons, but I've gotten in the habit of preemptively pulling up shazam out of the last commercial break. Kudos to the music supervisor!

I only recently started reading it for the first time (somehow I could never find a copy, but then a friend was trying to get rid of the complete series, God only knows why). It's got a wonderful lightness to it. I hope it works for you as well as it has been for me!

I saw La La Land last night, and I was completely blown away. Absolutely loved it

Having finally put Final Fantasy XV to rest (until DLC, anyway) I'm looking forward to gaming with my roommates. I'd love to pull out the Wii U and play pretty much anything Mario, but there will probably be a lot of Madden. Oh well, anything couch co-op will do!

I for one would be happy with the mechanics of XV dropped into the world of VII. The story is more coherent so the biggest problem with XV fixes itself

I have a confession to make: despite my love of this series, I've never completed Final Fantasy VII

I didn't think so either, but there's a handful of in-game references to Titan and Leviathan being killed. I suppose it could have been imperial propaganda, but if so it certainly wasn't made clear enough for me to understand it. A loading screen might have said so as well, but I don't remember

I picked one of the four guys in Old Lestallum. It had a filter that made it bright and I really liked the relationship that built between the party members. It highlighted some of my favorite parts of the game. What did you pick?

Finished Final Fantasy XV and accidentally fell down a rabbit hole of cut content articles. Before reading them, it was clear that some intended plot was sacrificed to get the game out the door. After reading them, I'm disappointed. The game was fun but I had little if any idea why anything was happening in the last