
I am going to guess 30k lbs of feathers.

Save some money and get this nice little wanker.

Bradley is right: take your budget and use it over the next few years to repair the mechanical parts on your already-fantastic car. Better the devil you know.

Ford Fairmont Durango - was one persons answer to the discontinuation of the Ranchero. National Coach in California took Fairmont coupes, hacked out the back and inserted a fiberglass “bed” and tailgate. They didnt sell well at all as the conversion made them almost 3 grand more than an El Camino and approximately 212

Where the hell are his parents, and why isn’t he in school/at home under lockdown?

What are the parents doing? Then again, if the parents are arrested, this kid will go in to the foster system and continue to commit crimes. If he stays with his parents, he’ll continue to commit crimes without the baggage of being a foster child. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Next time, amend state laws so

I am a Swede who is not into American ironmongery yet even i know the mustang SVO. 

Maybe if you’re under a certain age.  Anyone who grew up in the ‘80 will remember the SVO.

Mustang SVO.  Everyone knows Mustang, few people know SVO.

As if the Olds Cutlass Calais 442 W41 wasn’t obscure enough... We get the Olds Achieva SCX W41.

Rob, that Buick is a beaut. I remember these cars. Dad had one for a while. Rode like a cloud on the freeway. The Sunday crowd thought it was a little “too much” with the luxurious grille and chrome alloys. They dont make em like they used to. Why doesn’t the fella list this in the Sunday Classifieds so I can call him

This was an estate sale car recently, I guarantee it.

If you’re dumb enough to give Musk your money, I have zero sympathy for you.

People who never plan to buy an EV: “Missed opportunity. If it had 550 miles of range, I’d be all over this and pay in cash”

Damn, my commute is unfortunately 524 miles.

4.44 miles per kw at 70 mph is great efficiency!

No it’s not. It’s just another jelly bean shaped standard SUV blob.

Optician first, if it still looks good after an eye-check, there’s no hope for you...

What has Audi been feeding you? All of these Audi crossover write-ups have been so absurdly generous.

The presence of cars in their lineup automatically ensures there’s a bunch of nicer looking vehicles.  Prettiest Audi?  All I see is another blob CUV.