
don’t get me wrong, i tried the free range, non-helicopter parenting, for a bit when my daughter got her ipod touch, i put some restrictions in place and allowed her some freedom with the agreement that we could grab the device at any moment and check what she was currently or has been doing on it (to that end i setup

this is exactly why i don’t let my kids just “browse the internet” and it annoys my 11 year old to no end. even in a place where there should not be porn, there’s still porn.

True but the problem with that is it requires you to close the distance between you and the mech to use it effectively since your follow up to knocking a player out of the seat should be a shotgun to the face, also the RNG involved in simply finding a boogie bomb every game isn’t what I’d would consider a good balance

it is kinda ironic but the reason the whole titans and pilots thing works in titanfall is because of the mobility a player on foot has against them with wall running, sliding, and double jumps that all chain together to build momentum and it turns the dude in a giant mech into a vulnerable target especially when he’s

i like that stuff like dad builds still exist especially in games that require a grind. I just don’t have time to commit multiple hour grinds to eventually get a thing that will allow me to enjoy my game. One of the reasons i enjoy Battle Royale games so much at the moment is that i can spend 20 minutes or an hour

the dude who slaps him and takes his hat is the funniest damn thing i’ve seen all day nhot to mention the security guard getting his ass handed to him

i’ll be honest, i half expected to see a bunch of made-up ass looking names like the thing you’d register old pirated software to. Lester P. Handjive, Victoria Q. Twillingate, Hardy Markinson, etc.

i’m so conflicted, i’m not sure if the cup is bad or if i’m the pervert for seeing it. 

i always felt rocket league’s loot boxes were the worst kind of loot box and the worst thing done to rocket league mainly because of the way they did it. if they had just been infrequent rewards that everyone got by playing and people had the option to open more by putting down some money, i wouldn’t have cared but

i always hated when managers would task us with checking to see if any of their personal files were pertinent to their replacement and then you stumble upon someone’s pornfolio.

believe them, we definitely have the ability to do so but the act of surveilling every employee’s actions while they’re at work is a job for their immediate supervisor, not the IT department although we would have the capability to do so. but coming from my previous work with an IT department that supports 3 major

IT guy here, if you have a company computer that you take home, you should treat it the same as you would a machine that was wired into your work’s network in the office. Follow your company’s acceptable use policies and in general treat it like you would when you were there at the office. Most of the time remote

that area is there for the bullymong fur/naming quests and there might be one other thing that asks you to go over there but it’s been so long that i can’t remember specifically. most people probably finished all of those quests before reaching that area or they just went to farm them in three horns.  There is a chest

dead space was(is) amazing. one of my favorite things about it was even though it made you feel powerful at times, you still felt vulnerable, but the thing i remember the most about it was the audio’s creepy strings that would kick in whenever you rounded a corner and monster popped into view, it was extremely

i definitely felt some infinity blade like empowerment when i was unleashing missile volleys on the remaining people in the circle. I wouldn’t be surprised if this gets nerfed soon. it’s one of those weapons that feels incredibly satisfying to use because of how OP it is but it doesn’t have much of a counterplay at

i just got my first solo win of the season and i owe it to this beast. I went into the top 10 with a single kill and found one of these guys, by the end i had 6 and a new umbrella. It’s worth emphasizing that because it’s a 2 seater, you can’t shoot and move at the same time and the mech isn’t extremely mobile even

that’s a hell of a tax discount.

The issue of breastfeeding in public aside, and yes, women should be able to breastfeed their babies wherever they need to without people being weird about it because their babies are a living thing and benefits for both mother and baby are proven by science so grow the fuck up everyone.

I’m 36 with 3 kids (7,8, and 11) and I’ve been playing regularly since season 3. It’s fun to play with my kids but i mostly play solos and I’ve gotten to the point where I not only feel competent but good enough to hang with most players but I’ve also come to grips with the fact I’m not going to out reflex anyone at