
I must marvel at how a polite, empathetic comment that essentially boils down to, "hey, let's not start a hate mob until we have all the facts in any situation" somehow got warped in your mind into this totalitarian intrusion on your personal freedom. I'm not the Thought Police, chico, I'm just advocating for

I'm going to say good for him. He's managing to get paid doing something he enjoys. And paid pretty damn well, if my math is right.

especially in the wake of Cosby, it feels like it's really "on us" to start listening to these rumors before more damage can be done.

Apropos of nothing, but ethically, if someone releases something in a "pay what you want" format, is it unethical to just nab a copy and not pay for it? Don't know why this just popped into my head but hey.

Well that depends on whether or not you want half of its viewing audience to commit suicide.

I'm a sucker for noir. My favourite genre in fiction, probably, but I also really loved the first season's mix of eldritch horror and nihilism underpinning a southern gothic aesthetic. Also it was McConaughey and Harrelson. That's kind of unfair to season two.

On the whole season 2 had a rocky start, but managed to correct its stumbles and power through to one fucking great finale. Fuck that was grim.

If this is a serious question:

They were leaving him at high noon in the middle of the desert. Dehydration would've killed him anyway. There really wasn't any way out for Frank.

A twenty year lie undone by a goddamn turqoise scrunchy.

Get your fucking journalism out of my blog!

Man, Heaven's Gate really fucked it up for everybody, eh?

I would give the writer a hug so fucking apocalyptic he'd probably never get a chance to write the next movie.

It took King a really severe accident, a near death experience to sit his ass down and finish it. I'm not saying that like it's a good thing, but you never know what will motivate somebody to actually do something.

It's a long series. The first two volumes aren't too bad, but from The Waste Lands onward they're just these big, thick, meaty tomes full of prose and awesome. It's pretty easy to see how someone could look at the entire series and go "I don't have that much time."

The Dark Tower is much friendlier to the television format than the film one. It's too big to fit it into one movie, two movies, three movies, probably even seven movies. Put it on TV on a channel like HBO (or better yet Showtime, since it'll probably last eight years which is about how long every showtime show does),

I'm actually wondering that myself. There's a lot of Deadpool fans out there, though. He was a niche character with a cult following through the 90s and early 2000s (Cable and Deadpool despite being the best comic written around the early 00s, was always in danger of cancellation due to poor sales), but sometime in

If this movie features a Shoryuken, it'll earn an automatic A+.

Judging by the Comic Con footage (which is this trailer, just with more scenes), Wade's gonna break the fourth wall a lot.

I remember reading from the director that they're drawing from Joe Kelly and Fabian Nicieza. So basically OG DP and Cable & Deadpool, i.e. the best the character's ever been.