
It is in fact the ugliest goddamn belt they have ever commissioned. At least the Divas strap has glitter.

I had no idea that Del Toro and Hogan had written such a fantastic homage to El Santo in The Strain. That cold open was fantastic in all of its B-movie glory.

So uh, why aren't you doing the reviews on this show?

Probably because the film Deadpool is pulling more from Joe Kelly's definitive run on the character, as well as drawing its humour from Fabian Nicieza's Cable and Deadpool. You know, the good Deadpool.

Nah, we don't need more attention to male rape survivors. When I went through it as a child, and my mother's response was to beat me to toughen me up, I can see now that she was right to do it. I deserved it, because my rapist caught me slippin'. If I had been a tougher eight year old, or a stronger eight year old, I

So uh, how's that new Tool album coming?

I agree. Some stories don't need 13, or 24 episodes. Some seasons only need six. Some only need eight. It all depends on what the creators want to do. McKinnon says that he only needs six episodes and while I might personally want more, I imagine he knows something that I don't.

Christopher Nells is related to the Senator in some way. Either by blood or through a friend. The senator was so adamant on fingering Daniel because he wanted to protect Christopher (and even then only because Daniel was the easiest to pin it on; I imagine if the truth about George and Trey was known he would've been

I respect the hell out of Ted Sr. because he knows that there's nothing good that can come of getting involved in that mess. It takes a lot of restraint to let someone you love try and work shit out on their own, and it takes a hell of a lot of patience to let them throw shade at you while you're pulling superhuman

Dexter showed cracks when it started veering away from Jeff Lindsay's characters and plots. Dexter was always gallows humour. Pitch black comedy. The show thought it'd be interesting to make a character that doesn't work in any other context part of a drama.

Like I said, there's a lot to unpack in that conversation. You can't really talk about this on a macro scale unless you're willing to forego some of the granularity, or the nuance if you will.

Nice Guys happen because the world has been telling them that if they're kindhearted, gentle, and polite, that they'll find someone eventually. Fiction tells us that women want men like that, culture tells us that women want men like that, our own mothers tell us that they want men like that. Everything about our

I think the important thing to remember as an observer (that is, someone on the outside looking in) that just because it appears one way to us, does not make it necessarily true. On the outside, a lot of conversations can appear sexist or misogynistic or whatever term you want to use, but unless you're actively

There is a fuckload to unpack in that conversation, but I'll willing to have it with you if that's what you want.

The problem is that these individuals are assuming that they're in a private place. Saying Minka Kelly (no idea who that is; too lazy to google) has cankles sounds like an off-colour (though purposefully pedantic) joke/observation. The thing is, the Internet is not a private place, and so "locker room talk" or

Fat shaming, thin shaming, person shaming…

Huh, so you are reasonable. That original comment made me think you were psychotic.

There's a world of difference between "fuck you I'm gonna skullfuck your corpse!" when losing in a match of Halo and "I'll see you next Wednesday night, you know, when your spouse is at work. Love the new drapes, by the way."

AV Club can be just as bad as of late.