
I agree, this movie is shaping up to look like hot garbage, but I think you can make a compelling case for merging The Gunslinger and The Drawing of the Three together. When read together, Gunslinger reads like an extended prologue to the cycle proper. In terms of plot, not a lot happens that can't be covered in

You should give the novel a shot. It's a fucking behemoth, but by the end of it you'll probably be heartbroken and weeping uncontrollably.

It's America, what do you expect?

Whatever anyone thinks of Watchmen as a film, the movie is gorgeous on Blu-Ray.

What got me to switch was the (then) next gen consoles practically requiring one. Hell, I was happy enough with DVDs for years until Blu-Rays came down to an acceptable price range.

Isn't this the exact same line of bullshit we were sold on with the original move to HD?

I pre-empted my regular Sunday night line up for SummerSlam, so I haven't seen the episode yet. With that in mind, could someone explain to me in broad strokes how in the holy hell this show managed a D?

At least nobody was brave enough to actually have sex with the figurine.

I don't see why we need heavily militarized body armour on characters that essentially never get hit. I'd be fine with a suit closer to the comics. Maybe not spandex, but maybe whatever they made the Spider-Man suit out of.

The only real problem with the DD outfit was the helmet. It made Cox's face look like it was squished. The eyes were too small and the horns didn't even look like horns.

Wonder Woman.


It's an outgrowth of him being Iron Man. If RDJ wasn't Iron Man, he wouldn't have made $82m. Point blank. Full stop. He's starred in both Avengers and all three Iron Man films, with three of those films breaking one billion dollars worldwide.

the OG cartoon's Eternia was metal as fuck. I'd like to see a live action film tackle that kind of kid friendly Heavy Metal aesthetic.

It's no TURTLE Power, that's for sure.

People here were shitty about Mike Tyson Mysteries?

That's a really interesting perspective. I don't think I've ever considered acting like that before.

I know what you're talking about, and I'm familiar with AltShiftX (seriously great channel for GoT analysis and theories), but if that's the case then why wouldn't Martin just, I don't know, sit down and write the fucking book?

Paul Giamatti and Damian Lewis in an act-off is interesting. Not sure if this is going to have any of the punch or humour of the Wolf of Wall-Street, but if it's half as clever, if the characters are half as interesting, I'm in.

Maybe this is my social conditioning as a working class nobody from rural Canada, but I think I'd rather be a decent person. Not so much guilt weighing you down that way.