
Sshh. Don't do it. Don't point out that Hogan was going through a divorce, his kids abandoning him, and that he was talked into banging his (supposedly) best friend's wife while they secretly recorded the encounter. Don't even mention that he was living out of a bottle at this time, and that his (now ex) wife was

The first season showed a lot of promise. Didn't hurt that it was only six episodes, and the second episode I found moving.

Ray Velcoro looks downright naked without a moustache. It's jarring and weird and goddamn it grow it back.

I'd argue that Frank and Jordan's scene in the club was MVP for the episode. It's pretty rare in a drama that two people being brutally honest results in someone having a moment of clarity, and even less likely that they understand how they've been an asshole and resolve to do better. Even less likelier than that is

I thought the first episode was super rocky. Like the writer was trying to find the right rhythm to handle all of these characters and how to shift from one perspective the next without it coming across as jarring. It probably could've used another draft or two, but I thought from the second episode on it's been

Did somebody not catch that? It was pretty obvious the moment the moment Paul got Dixon's card from the pawn dealer.

And conveniently places an indebted cop into his service. If he's willing to cross the line once, he can easily justify why it'd be worth crossing again for the guy who gave him his wife's rapist.

And Frank's not? Dim, I mean.

Clarity is easy when you're outside an abusive relationship looking in on one. Clarity is much harder when that abusive relationship is with your mother and it's likely she's been pulling shit like this your entire life. It's also hard for a lot of people to let go of the idea that their mother is a good person,

It makes sense if you think of Hannibal's desire to eat Will not as contempt, but as a last desperate attempt to ensure that they will remain together. After all, taking another person into yourself (or putting yourself into another person, hur hur) is the most intimate expression of love that this life has to offer.

So I guess Will won in the end. He was strong enough to let go. He was submersed in wickedness and, despite wanting to give up at several points, he managed to crawl through the muck and reach safe harbour. All the while finally gathering the strength to resist Hannibal's siren call. The look of heartbreak on

She seems like the coolest mom.

"This is why the android and Guy Pearce's characters were attacked upon his waking. He viewed them as abominations to the natural cycles of time/creation (one being synthetic, the other living unnaturally long and trying to cheat death)."

Why not? The Martians from War of the Worlds lost because our germs and bacteria murdered them. It didn't make War of the Worlds any less of a great story.

… Damn. I just didn't like it because of all the plotholes.

Because Drake is a fucking idiot. That's the short answer.

Witcher has a pretty great myth arc that ties all three games together. That works pretty well in movies.


Toronto is the place that the rest of Canada barely tolerates. Hogtown is just a shit hole of the highest degree most times.

Disclaimer: I personally like Yeezus and I admire his can't give a fuck attitude.