
"I don't know, we tend to save our racism for natives here."

Wow, that looks like a gorgeous movie.

Just when I think I'm coming around to thinking Teddy isn't all bad, he tells a story about the time he coerced a young woman into sleeping with him and then did the one thing he promised not to do; fucking blabbed to everyone about it.

Voting blocks. That's really what it comes down to. In a system that relies on democratic election (or winners of awards, in this case), politics always comes into play. People will cajole and haggle to get the numbers they want to vote the way they want. Once you get big enough blocks it becomes real easy to throw

You're talking about an industry where best friends audit each other to make sure nobody is stealing money. An industry that has "creative accounting" that will find any and all possible way to fuck writers, directors, and actors out of money on a back end deal.

He could've compared it to an AC/DC concert where your seats are right next to the cannons.

Maybe, but that quote in context with the rest (read the link), it really sounds like he has nothing but contempt for the people in the crowd.

Conventions aren't for everybody. They're for enthusiasts, mainly. You're not missing out on much if you don't like crowds or have any real interest in the theme of the con.

Heh. This newswire missed the best part:

What? They weren't in season 5. All of the Mortal Kombat tree face thing stuff happened at the end of Season Four.

I wonder if he, Osha, and Hodor got paid for last season despite never appearing. It's actually something I've often wondered about; why certain shows don't let certain characters disappear for a determined length of time in service of the story.

The major hurdle of writing noir for film is understanding that good dialogue on the page doesn't necessarily translate to good dialogue on the screen. As a piece of writing itself, the "worst self best self" line isn't terrible. It accurately reflects a lie that Frank Semyon needs to tell himself in order to continue

Even if you want to find a "take" there are far more interesting angles to examine a piece of fiction from. Not everything is about finding authorial intent; a lot of gold can be mined from examining human behaviour in a meta context. For instance the big shootout to end tonight's episode:

I'm honestly sick of self professed critics using their platform as a sounding board to play armchair psychologist. What's worse is that they completely fail to understand that writers are not their characters. The views of their characters do not necessarily reflect the writers' personal view of the world.

The look of horror on Sheen's face when he realizes how close he came to beating his son, for doing something childish and stupid, was something to behold. It must be the worst kind of epiphany to realize you've turned into your father.

I still don't like Teddy as a man; he's a complete asshole who is a domineering prick to his wife… but nobody deserves what happened to him.

I thought this was going to be a movie, but it's a TV show? Fuck yes this looks fantastic.

Because Ben Affleck likes comic books, Batman, and probably got a little giddy at the thought of getting to write, direct, and star in a Batman movie. He's got a chance that most comic fans would murder their own mothers for and he's taking it.

Just when you think that there is no justice in this universe, the cosmos delivers a bitch slap so mighty you can hear it like distant thunder.

I don't know anything about this site in particular, but most start up sites have one hell of an upward climb in order to gain an audience. There's the Field of Dreams method of course, but that relies heavily on angel investors periodically dumping money into the venture until it becomes self sustaining. Very few