
Daddy Drank is probably what gave me my incredibly dark, warped sense of humour.

Is that the one that makes good movies, or the one that made Resident Evil?

Considering Age of Ultron is better than the first Avengers, pretty well, as it turns out.

I just saw it tonight, and Ant-Man was the last trailer screened before the film started. The whole (packed) theater had a fit with the Thomas the Tank Engine punchline.

Take this however you will, but this movie reminded me of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film. The first one from 1990. It's a simple story with well drawn caricatures that is both light and very entertaining. It also moves at a good enough clip to make me wonder where the two and a half hours went.

Aside from the romance subplot which was kinda weird, I thought this was a better movie than the first Avengers.

Eh, maybe you're right. I grew up as the strong kid in class. Puberty only exacerbated the problem. I'd break the cords on lawnmowers and weedwackers and the like, all the while swearing up and down I wasn't pulling that hard. I guess I've got a skewed perspective on how strong most men are, since I've spent the

I'm pretty sure that the character on the show wasn't Heather Hardy, unless she's fine with coming across as a crackhead who looks like she just crawled away from a dumpster fire.

I'll be honest, I expected the stinger for this episode to be Louie putting a gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger. To be assaulted by a woman, laughed at by his daughters, and then emotionally manipulated and then sodomized by your not-girlfriend all in one day is worth a tap out on life in my opinion.

All Louie really had to do was put her in a headlock and wait for her to calm down. His fear of coming across as a "bad guy" is what allowed her to walk (and punch) all over him. It's also what lets Pamela walk all over him all throughout the series. Louie is more concerned with what the nebulous, ill defined "people"

The weird thing about Pamela is that she only treats him like shit because he lets her. Whenever Louie has shown assertiveness, she brightens up and falls quickly in line. The thing is, Pamela wants a manly man, and that's just not what Louie is. As long as he tries to put her on a pedestal and treat her as this

During the street fight with Mentally Unstable Woman, I laughed my ass off at Louie looking both ways before going for the incredibly ineffectual liver punch.

P.T. was pretty fucking scary, dude.

Homecoming was by far the worst. It was mechanically broken and the developers had no idea what made a Silent Hill game, well, Silent Hill.

I love The Road Warrior, but I have no idea if Mad Max can be translated all that well to a video game. I'm looking forward to it, though.

Konami already killed Castlevania and CONTRA. Might as well complete the list with Silent Hill and Metal Gear.

Positive portrayals of us (Natives, Indians, First Nations, whatever) are so rare that even if the media is shit, we'll give it a thumbs up for that aspect.

You forgot the part where Native women were systematically sterilized until the 1980s.

It's interesting you read it that way, as I saw it as Philip trying not to let his work interfere with his home life. When he's at home, Phil tries to be Good Dad and Good Husband because it allows him to believe that he's a decent person who sometimes has to do horrible things. That lie is breaking apart at the

If the TV Gods are listening, hear me;