
Do you want a real answer? Look at twitter.

This whole thing reads like a bad plot from Saved By the Bell.

Crazy that it's been a little over a week since Daredevil premiered, but if the numbers were strong enough to renew it for a second series this soon, I have to imagine it gave Netflix a pretty good bump in subscribers.

That makes me a lot less nervous. Hopefully it's true.

Any reason DeKnight won't be involved? Never heard of the guy before, but after how Daredevil turned out I was hoping he'd stick around.

Richard said he stuck it out for the kids. Twenty years he was stuck in a relationship he didn't want because he loved his children and didn't want them coming up through a broken home. That's not an asshole, that's practically a goddamn saint in this day and age.

I read the apology and the proposal as him saying "let's give this an honest shot" rather than abandoning ship the moment he whiffed children. It's not like they're going to get married, they just agreed to continue seeing each other to see where it goes.

Eh, it's a free internet. Joss and this writer are free to say whatever the hell they want; whether they look like assholes doing it is another story, though.

It seems like if they want that to happen, the pieces are in place. We know that Henry is a snooper. He's a curious sort who is often alone in the house, and I would not be surprised if he's found the secret compartments and hidden documents. If it does happen, I'd like to think Henry doesn't care because to him

I read it a couple of different ways. On one level, I think it was Phillip trying to show Martha who he is out of a sense of, not trust, but kind of like he realizes what he's put her through in this ordeal, and that she'd "earned" it in a way. On another level it seemed like Phillip was trying to show her that she

There is a treatment. It's a surgery from what I understand; basically the surgeon goes in and removes the tumor growing on the pituitary gland, and nature more or less corrects itself. Current WWE giant Big Show had this done sometime in the early 90s, which is why he's managed to live a long and fairly healthy life

Or! The show is set in the 90s so they don't have to change anything.

Fuck. That actually works.

I can't remember a single great Daredevil story that wasn't dark, gritty, or joyless.

It still pisses me off that Guillermo Del Toro almost made one.

I wonder which of these films will fall apart first. Should be interesting to see which one gets gutted in favour of the other.

Not to shit on your joke, but the comic books already explored who Tobin was.

I have no fucking clue what any of that means, but I'll upvote it anyway.

I think it's kind of funny that we were introduced to Svetlana in the most horrific way possible; she was used to rape Mickey. Considering how she started, I have no idea how she became one of my favourite characters.

Sammi has never, and will never, do right by her child. Chuckie never had a chance.