
Lip's monologue hit me right in the heart. He's smart enough, and self aware enough, to know that if he takes a semester off he won't ever go back. Not because he doesn't want to, or because he's lazy, but because crawling out of the ghetto is incredibly difficult with no social or familial ties; it becomes infinitely

Sober Frank is actually a pretty good guy. They explored that way back in the early seasons, and the family got so weirded out by it that they drove him back to drinking.

I'm not convinced that Phil isn't actually dead and he's in Hell. Carol is like the writers thought of every annoying thing a person could do and focused it all on one person. It's both glorious and frightening.

You really don't see that happening in the end of this show?

I remember reading somewhere that if the population dipped below 10,000 we'd be fucked as a species. I think for repopulation efforts you need something like 1,000 breeding pairs for not only sustainability, but growth.

Oh man, Boss was totally great. I mean sure, a lot of plotlines were out there and didn't really stand up under close scrutiny, but the casting was spot on and Kelsey Grammer being a complete and utter rockstar level cunt to anyone and anything in his path was a sight to behold.

This season wasn't as great as the first. It's still good, but nothing spectacular.

To piggyback on your commentary, I'd like to say that my wishes for Ghostbusters 3 died when I saw Bill Murray dressed up as Peter Venkman at an awards show (or ceremony, or something). Seeing him in the getup put the idea of GB3 to bed for me, for some strange reason. Whatever a Ghostbusters 3 would look like, I

I can only offer my opinion, and it is as follows;

Oddly enough, if you save Simms in Megaton he gives you a spare outfit (or his son does, as thanks). I haven't played Fallout 3 for awhile, but I maintained Good Karma on all my playthroughs except for the last one.

I had a fever last night and a really stuffy nose, so I need to know if some shit actually happened:

Well there's the part where Rita pops out of Katee Sackhoff and her cackling is dubbed over like a bad Kung Fu movie.

You are doing something productive; you're doing something you enjoy. If that's watching Game of Thrones six episodes at a time on a weekend, who the fuck has the right to judge you for doing what you want? Fuck those people. They're hairy and have small dicks.

Dig deeper into wrestling and you'll probably find that there are a lot of people like that in the business. Guys who go under a hood have to learn how to work with their entire body instead of relying on their face. Because they're so much more animated, it naturally translates to expressions.

I will disagree wholeheartedly on the main event.

They think Cesaro is a heel when he's a natural born babyface.

Wait what? I thought those posts were just the snarky ramblings of ornery film buffs. You know, AV Club commenters.

Unless I missed something, I don't think Tina Fey has a shaved head and is covered in skull tattoos.

Smarks tend to. Hrm.

lol. It's the WWE dude. They're never going to give the women anything meaningful to do again.