
first point: the problem with putting Reigns on the microphone with Heyman is exactly what was showcased on Raw last night. Heyman ate him alive, and Roman had absolutely nothing to say. Roman reiterated himself a few times, and made no real point. If you read the transcript of that promo, Roman sounded confused. Like

Royal Rumble 2014 - Bray Wyatt def. Daniel Bryan
Elimination Chamber '14 - The Wyatt Family def. The Shield
WrestleMania - John Cena def. Bray Wyatt
Extreme Rules '14 - Bray Wyatt def. John Cena
Payback '14 - John Cena def. Bray Wyatt
Money in the Bank '14 - Bray Wyatt participated, but was not involved in the decision

That's entirely understandable, but if that's the case then she needs to tone it the hell down. All she's doing right now is absorbing heat while providing no payoff.

In the calendar year of 2014, Bray Wyatt lost four matches.

I didn't see it that way. I saw it as Heyman mocking Reigns and trying to rile up smarks. He spoke with such forced sincerity that it was actually beautiful to listen to. The only time Heyman ever uses that particular cadence is when he's belittling someone.

The problem is that she's a heel who is perfect as a smarmy bitch, but she never gets her comeuppance. All it would really take is for her to lose her shit like she's so great at doing, and then she eats an RKO. Or a Curb Stomp. Or hell, a right hook would probably do it. That can't happen though, so she winds up

Suplexes work wonders. The key is to hold your grip or else the suplex loses all of its power.

I'm aware that it's a struggle to separate yourself from a subject because human beings are self absorbed by nature, but your friend's thought process for reporting on politics is positively frightening.

Eh, I can see why they'd want to drop "objectivity". It'd sure make their job easier, not having to look for the truth or report it to the general public.

It physically pains me to see such an educated and thought provoking comment buried at the bottom of a snark pile.

The despair and misery of Saul Goodman was almost lost on me because those pastries looked delicious.



Is Empire any good? It's on FOX, so I'm not exactly hopeful…

My thing is, why the hell isn't Sue Storm black, too? Taking the adoption route feels like a cop out to me.

Pam and Archer continue to be my OTP. They're both so great together, I have no idea why the show continues to push Lana as Archer's "one that got away".

The Babadook was a really good movie. I enjoyed it a lot. Not sure what was so scary about it, but whatever floats your boat I guess.

I've been hearing a lot of positive things about this show, but nobody who has spoken about it bothered to tell me what the hell it is.

I've always wondered why the aesthetic of Bioshock gave me a weird sense of deja vu. Turns out it was because it reminded me of goddamn Dick Tracy.

Something tells me The Big Guy is really happy about this news.